File a Complaint or Compliment
Visit the General Business Complaints and Compliments page to file a complaint about business-related issues not covered by one of the issue-specific forms below. This may include weights and measures, adult entertainment, trade shows, unlicensed businesses, etc.
If you are a business and need to request a weights and measures inspection, please call Consumer Protection at 206-386-1298.
Taxi, for-hire and transportation network companies (TNC)
File a complaint about taxi, for-hire or TNC drivers or their vehicles.
File a complaint about limousines drivers or their vehicles.
Towing: private property tows
The City of Seattle has authority to ensure that you are not overcharged for private impound services.
Towing: public property tows
If your car was towed from a public street or for any other SPD matter, request a hearing or file a complaint.
Parking garages
File a complaint about parking garages or parking lots.
Nightlife noise
File a complaint about excessive amplified noise between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.