About Us

The Immigrant and Refugee Commission advises the Mayor and City Council on matters impacting immigrants and refugees living and working in Seattle and supports the City of Seattle's goals of immigrant integration. The Commission is housed in the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs. Unless otherwise noted, the commission meets the second Tuesday of every month from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. 

The Commission has vacancies. Interested in serving your community? Click here to apply.


Who We Are

Group picture of some of the Immigrant and Refugee Commissioners in Council Chambers.

Reflecting the diversity of Seattle's immigrant and refugee communities, the commission has 15 members (eight appointed by the Mayor and seven appointed by the City Council). Commission members will be appointed to one- or two-year terms, with the option of reappointment.


The Immigrant and Refugee Commission was created as a result of Seattle's Immigrant and Refugee Report and Action Plan released in 2007. With the unprecedented growth in the foreign-born population since the 1980s, Seattle has become an increasingly multi-cultural city, rich with diversity.