What We Do
2022 Workplan
The main priority in 2022 is the recruitment process to achieve 100% capacity at all times. The following Work Plan relies solely on our capacity and thus our ability to fill Commissioner positions in a timely and consistent manner. We not only welcome new Commissioners, but the Commission also intends to examine and recommend changes to the City’s confirmation process using an equitable framework. Alongside recruitment, the Commission shall focus our work as follows:
- To fulfill our mission and values of community and race/social justice, the Commission continues to support the following Task Forces in 2022:
- The Unhoused (given full capacity)
- Human Trafficking (given full capacity)
- Criminal Reform Task Force
- To fulfill our mission and value of Community, The Commission shall continue to host (and attend) events such as Human Rights Day in December. To further opportunities to exchange learning, we shall invite community organizations and individuals to our monthly meetings as well as attend community events on behalf of the Commission.
- To fulfill our value of shared leadership, The Commission named specific roles for the three Co-Chairs:
Administrative Co-Chair
Communications Co-Chair
Five Commissions Co-Chair
One vision of the Executive Committee as a whole (Co-Chairs, Appeals Chair, Secretary) is to share clearly defined tasks and responsibilities in an equitable way throughout the Commission. -
To fulfill our value of shared leadership, the Commission seeks to invite another officer to the Executive Committee that represents the Task Forces directly (Task Force Chair) as well as developing year two of the Fellows Program.
To fulfill our value of collaboration, In 2022 the Commission created the Five Commissions Committee: a group of Commissioners to serve as liaisons to each of the other City Commissions. The vision of this new Committee is to further institutionalize meaningful, ongoing relationships with the other Commissions and is chaired by the Five Commissions Co-Chair.
To fulfill our value of race/social justice, the Commission intends to continue to train all Commissioners in both the appeals process and biases in recruitment while examining underlying systems that create identity-based disparities in our communities.
Discrimination Appeals Committee
The Seattle Human Rights Commission hears appeals after the Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR) or Office of Labor Standards has received and investigated charges of discrimination that have been filed and the office has issued a Finding and Determination. The Charging Party can file an appeal of SOCR's Findings with SHRC within 30 days of the issuance of the decision. If the Appeal meets the legal standards for an appeal, SHRC will schedule a hearing of the appeal to determine whether SOCR's decision should be affirmed or returned to the SOCR office for further investigation. The SHRC hears employment, housing and public accommodation cases. At least one member of the Appeals Committee is an attorney.
Read SHRR 40-365 - Appeals to human rights commission
Human Rights Day Planning Committee
The purpose of the Human Rights Day Planning Committee is to: Plan a celebration of Human Rights Day, which is celebrated internationally on December 10th each year, in commemoration of the 1948 United Nations adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Recognize an individual and an organization that have contributed to the advancement of human rights in the City of Seattle. Establish and present a youth human rights day award.