200 Taylor Avenue Alley Vacation

Review Status

On February 15th, 2024 the SDC voted 10 to 0 to approve the Public Trust phase of the vacation. The project team will return for Public Benefit.

Project Description

200 Taylor Ave. N is a proposed full block development for new biomedical offices that includes one 9 story and one 8-story building with underground parking for approximately 400 vehicles. The site, bounded by Taylor Ave. N. to the west, Thomas Street to the north, 6th Ave N. to the east, and John Street to the south, comprises five existing tax parcels The site is currently developed with a hotel structure built in 1979; three office buildings built in 1959, 1961, and 1962; and two surface parking lots. The site slopes downward southwest to northeast approximately fourteen feet. All the existing structures will be demolished.

March 20, 2025 Meeting

Seattle Design Commission

Address: 600 4th Avenue, 5th Floor, Seattle, WA, 98124
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 684-0435

The Seattle Design Commission advises the Mayor, City Council, and City departments on the design of capital improvements and other projects and policies that shape Seattle's public realm.