Maritza Rivera
I’m Maritza Rivera. I represent Seattle’s District 4, which includes the neighborhoods Bryant, Laurelhurst, Maple Leaf, Ravenna, Roosevelt, Sand Point, the U District, View Ridge, Wallingford, Wedgwood, and Windermere.
I am grateful for and humbled by the privilege of representing the citizens and businesses of those communities.
Public Safety is my number one priority. And while I was campaigning in the District, I learned that it’s a priority for the D4 residents as well. I will work to reduce 911 response times, get enough officers on the streets to keep our children and all citizens safe, and create effective public safety alternatives – because we know that every situation does not require a uniformed officer.
I am also committed to bringing both accountability and civility back to City Hall. Our city programs should be consistently delivering their intended results, with robust systems in place to measure progress and outcomes. If programs don’t deliver - then we must act and make the necessary changes to meet the goals.
I will always be ready to listen to - and work with - everyone to restore Seattle to the safe, welcoming and more affordable city that I moved to more than twenty years ago.
I’m looking forward to working with our neighborhoods and residents to make District 4 the best it can be.
You can contact me and my team at or call 206-684-8804.

Maritza Rivera
Maritza Rivera grew up in New York City, and attended Bronx High School of Science, followed by Skidmore College on a full-ride scholarship, then Fordham Law School, before accepting a position in the White House as President Clinton’s Hispanic liaison. She later served as a Vice-President of the National Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, where she worked closely with Hispanic small businesses from across the country.