
Vehicle owners must meet various requirements for their vehicles addressing topics like medallion display, operation by licensed driver, taximeter and other equipment, passenger information displays, and compliance with policies and procedures of the vehicle owner’s affiliated dispatch agency. 

Please see the full list of operating requirements at SMC 6.311.310. These requirements are common across both City of Seattle and King County codes.

Vehicle Lease

By rule, a vehicle owner who owns or leases a taxicab or for-hire vehicle medallion may lease the vehicle associated with that medallion to another individual. To do so, please complete the vehicle lease summary sheet and submit it to Consumer Protection for review and processing.

A driver who operates a single taxicab on an irregular basis for a single owner or a single RDA is not required to file a vehicle lease summary sheet with FAS. However, the driver and owner must have a signed temporary use agreement, which shall be kept in the vehicle while operating and provided to FAS upon request. Such an arrangement shall meet the following requirements:

  • The driver shall have a valid regional for-hire driver’s license;
  • The driver shall operate the vehicle no more than a total of thirty (30) days per calendar year;
  • The driver shall not be excluded from the insurance policy for the vehicle; and
  • The vehicle shall be equipped with and operate a smart taximeter.

The content of a vehicle lease summary sheet may be used as an example for the content of a temporary use agreement.