1st Ave NE Shared-Use Path

Updated August 2, 2024

What's Happening Now?

We are gathering feedback on our early design and continue to meet with neighbors to understand neighborhood priorities. We’ll have in-person outreach events for neighbors to meet the project team, ask questions, and give comments in the coming months. In the meantime, please let us know what you think of the project or ask questions by emailing 1stAveNEPath@seattle.gov.

Project Overview

Map showing the project limits on 1st Ave NE between NE 117th St and NE 130th St

The 1st Ave NE Shared-Use Path Project creates a safer, more comfortable environment for people of all ages and abilities to travel on the east side of 1st Ave NE between NE 130th St and NE 117th St. As part of the Safe Routes to School program, these improvements will provide connections to James Baldwin Elementary School, Northacres Park, and future walking and biking improvements on N 130th St that connect to Sound Transit’s NE 130th St Infill Station opening in 2026.

Project elements include:

  • New 12-ft concrete shared-use path for people walking, biking, and rolling on the east side of 1st Ave NE from NE 130th St to just south of NE 120th St (connecting to the existing sidewalk)
  • New protected bike lanes from just south of NE 120th St to NE 117th St
  • New curb ramps that comply with Americans with Disabilities (ADA) standards
  • Crossing improvements at NE 125th St and NE 120th St
  • Drainage improvements to address localized flooding issues
  • Rebuild existing driveway entrances on the east side of 1st Ave NE to current standards

Project Design

Current street design

This image shows the current street design of 1st Ave NE between NE 117th St and NE 130th St looking northbound. Viewing from west to east (left to right), it shows a walking path, a planting strip, a southbound travel lane, a northbound travel lane, and unimproved right-of-way/shoulder.

Proposed street design

This image shows the proposed street design of 1st Ave NE between NE 117th St and NE 130th St looking northbound. Viewing from west to east (left to right), it shows a walking path, a drainage buffer, a southbound travel lane, a northbound travel lane, a planting strip, and 12-foot shared-use path.

Project Background

The 1st Ave NE Shared-Use Path project is the result of community feedback that identified a need for improved safety and accessibility between Northacres Park and James Baldwin Elementary School (formerly Northgate Elementary School). We heard community priorities through the NE 130th St Shoreline Multimodal Access Study and in direct conversations with area stakeholders such as James Baldwin Elementary. Community priorities included:

  • Sidewalks on 1st Ave NE between NE 117th St and NE 130th St
  • Safe Routes to School for the new James Baldwin Elementary School (formerly Northgate Elementary School)
  • Crossing improvements at the intersection of NE 125th St and 1st Ave NE
  • Provide connections to and through Northacres Park

Project goals include:

  • Creating a safer and more comfortable walking, biking, and rolling environment that also reduces serious injury and fatal collisions
  • Creating connections to nearby Neighborhood Greenways, transit services, community amenities, and neighborhoods for people of all ages and abilities


Project schedule graphic showing the project in the early design phase

  • Planning and design (2023-2025): We will create and share project design proposals, ask for community feedback, and finalize project design. 
  • Construction (Starting as early as 2026*): We will share more information about construction schedules, activities, and neighborhood impacts when we reach this stage.

*Construction schedules are subject to change based on crew and material availability.  


The estimated cost for the 1st Ave NE Shared-Use Path is $6.3M. Funding is provided by Safe Routes to Schools and other SDOT walking and biking programs.

Project Materials

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Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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