2017 District 1 – Projects

2019 | 2018 | 2017

District 1 - Project Updates

2017 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Street Elected Projects

STREETS | Delridge Way SW and SW Oregon St

Crossing Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
Fast paced traffic along this residential corridor creates a challenging crossing for pedestrians. This year, we're installing a signalized crosswalk and updating curb ramps. Per the public vote, these fixes will enhance access to the existing pedestrian bridge and create an at-grade option for crossing Delridge Way SW.

The project supports plans for upgrading Metro Route 120 to RapidRide H and improving connections for people walking and biking in 2020.

Project Solution(s):

Install a signalized crosswalk at Delridge Way SW and SW Oregon St to supplement the current pedestrian bridge

Install enhanced pedestrian curb ramps and maintain ADA accessibility

Construction was completed in 2021 as part of the Delridge Way SW - RapidRide H Line project.

Please check their project website for the latest updates.

Neighborhood: Delridge

Delridge and Oregon crossing upgrades map

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STREETS | Delridge Way SW and SW Barton St

“Barton Bus Triangle” Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
The "Delridge Bus Triangle" is a City managed property in the heart of the Westwood Highland Park Urban Village. The location serves as a connection between Metro routes to the east, and the Westwood Village Transit mall to the west, along Barton Street SW. Installing sidewalks, and trimming the overgrown landscape, creates a safer space.

The project supports plans for upgrading local Metro Routes and improving connections for people walking and biking in 2020.

We have partnered with a "Friends of the Delridge Bus Triangle" to document the history, needs and collective vision of the space.

Project Solution(s):

Install an interim walking path on the south side of SW Barton St

Enhance and maintain the existing landscape

Construction was completed in June 2019.

Neighborhood: Westwood/Highland Park

Delridge and Barton bus triangle upgrades map

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STREETS | SW Orchard St between Delridge Way SW and Sylvan Way SW

Walkway Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
Delridge Way SW contains a segment of road with a blind corner that lacks a walkway. This segment is regularly used by people traveling to a nearby school and the Vietnamese Cultural Center. Installing a walkway increases predictability, safety and accessibility for all travelers.

The project supports plans for upgrading Metro Route 120 to RapidRide H and improving connections for people walking and biking in 2020.

Project Solution(s):

Install a painted walkway that parallels the road

Install new asphalt

Install wheel stops

Construction was completed in September 2018.

Neighborhood: High Point

Delridge and Sylvan walkway improvements map

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12th Ave S, 8th Ave S and S Cloverdale St

Crossing Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
South Cloverdale Street experiences high traffic volumes from people driving and walking, making several intersections challenging to cross. The intersections along Cloverdale provide a connection to South Park Playground, South Park Community Center, Concord International School and the SR-99 freeway. Modifying them increases predictability, accessibility, and safety for travelers.

Project Solution(s):

Install a new marked crosswalk

Upgrade the current signal to meet ADA standards

Construction was completed in December 2018.

Neighborhood: South Park

12th 8th and Cloverdale crossing upgrades map

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Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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