Archived 2015 Meeting Documents

December 9, 2015
No Place for Old Trees Presentation
People, Dogs, and Parks Strategy timeline
Major Institution Master Planning Code
Draft MIMP comments
Digital recording
Meeting notes

December 2, 2015
Restoring Native Forest Diversity to Seattle Parks Presentation
Hardwood management memo
Draft Restoring Native Forest Diversity to Seattle Parks Study
Right-of-Way Improvements Manual update
ECA update
Digital recording
Meeting notes

November 4, 2015

October 14, 2015
Carkeek Park Presentation
Carkeek Park Photos
MIMP process
Draft Comp Plan Update Recommendation v3
Adopted Comp Plan update recommendation
Open letter to UFC from Cass Turnbull
Digital recording
Meeting notes

October 7, 2015
SCL Interurban Trail presentation:
- Briefing
- Letter
- Notification
Pedestrian Master Plan Technical Update presentation
Stormwater Manual update
Draft Comp Plan Update Recommendation v2
Open letter to UFC from Cass Turnbull
Meeting notes
October 7, 2015 Digital recording

September 9, 2015
Agenda v2
GSP Strategic Plan Update presentation
Major Institutions presentation
SCL Interurban Trail presentation:
- Briefing
- Letter
- Notification
October 7, 2015 Meeting notes
September 9, 2015 Digital recording

September 2, 2015
Draft letter welcoming Superintendent Aguirre
Adopted letter welcoming Superintendent Aguirre
September 9, 2015 Meeting notes
Digital recording

August 12, 2015
Draft letter of support for City Fruit
Adopted letter of support for City Fruit
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Parks August 4 revised Draft Supplemental Use Guidelines for Natural Areas/Greenbelts
Meeting notes
Digital recording

August 5, 2015
Freight Master Plan update
City Fruit update
Meeting notes
Digital recording

July 8, 2015
Pollinator Pathway presentation
Draft letter on Parks Draft Supplemental Use Guidelines for Natural Areas/Greenbelts v2
Adopted letter on Parks Draft Supplemental Use Guidelines for Natural Areas/Greenbelts
Digital recording
Meeting notes

July 1, 2015
Arboretum Lakeside Trail
GSP Strategic Plan Update briefing
Draft UFC Bylaws update
Adopted UFC updated Bylaws
Draft UFC Coordinator protocols
Adopted UFC Coordinator protocols
Draft letter on Parks Draft Supplemental Use Guidelines for Natural Areas/Greenbelts
Digital recording
Meeting notes

June 10, 2013
Enforcement of current tree protection code
Draft UFC Bylaws update
Draft UFC Coordinator protocols
Adopted Letter with Comments to Comp Plan's Draft EIS
Digital recording
Meeting notes

June 3, 2015
Trees and Sidewalks Operations Plan
Stormwater Code update
Revised Arboretum Multi-Use Trail letter of recommendation
Adopted Arboretum Multi-Use Trail Letter of recommendation
Draft Commission Bylaws update
Draft Commission Protocols
Digital recording
Meeting notes

May 13, 2015
Parks briefing on pruning for views policy
Revised second draft Arboretum Multi-use Trail Letter of Recommendation
Draft Commission Bylaws update
Draft Commission Protocols
Digital recording
Meeting notes

May 6, 2015
Environmentally Critical Areas Update Presentation
ECA handout
Second Draft Cheasty Hydrology Concerns Letter of Recommendation
Adopted Cheasty Hydrology Issues Letter of Recommendation
Second Draft Arboretum Multi-use Trail Letter of Recommendation
Digital recording
Meeting notes

April 8, 2015
April 8, 2015 Agenda
Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Trees briefing
Draft Urban Forest Stewardship Plan Monitoring Framework
April 8, 2015 Digital recording
Meeting notes

April 1, 2015
April 1, 2015 Agenda
April 2014 Cheasty Mountain Bike Project recommendation
Draft 2nd Cheasty recommendation - this letter was tabled by 5-2 vote.
Draft Arboretum Multi-use Trail letter of recommendation
April 1, 2015 Digital recording
Meeting notes

March 11, 2015 - This meeting will be a tour of Cheasty Greenspace. The tour will start at the Angeline Street trail head at the top of the Ridge Trail (adjacent to 2610 S Angeline, St.)

March 4, 2015
Arboretum Multi-use Trail tree removal list
Digital recording
Meeting notes

February 11, 2015
Please note: This meeting will be held at City Hall (600 4th Avenue), Norm B. Rice conference room on the 7th floor.
reLeaf Presentation
reLeaf one-pager
WA State Senate Bill 5414
DPD Draft Language Tip 420
GSP 10-year Plan Update one-pager
Digital recording
Meeting notes

February 4, 2015
Parks Classification Policy update
Supplemental Use Guidelines for Natural Areas and Greenbelts
Draft Thank you letter to SDOT RE: Downtown Tree Grates
Adopted thank you letter to SDOT RE: Downtown Tree Grates
Digital recording
Meeting notes

January 14, 2015
Adopted 2015 Work Plan
Arboretum Multi-use Trail
Digital recording
Meeting notes

January 7, 2015
Please note: This meeting will be held at City Hall (600 4th Ave), Norm B. Rice conference Room on the 7th floor.
Cheasty Trails and Bike Park presentation
2015 Work Plan v3
Digital recording
Meeting notes

The Urban Forestry Commission provides recommendations on and monitors implementation of plans, policies, and legislation related to the protection, management, and conservation of trees in Seattle.