What we do

The Urban Forestry Commission was established to advise the Mayor and City Council concerning the establishment of policy and regulations governing the protection, management, and conservation of trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle. On this page you will find documents and recommendations issued by the UFC to accomplish their mandate.

2024 Recommendations

Draft One Seattle Plan
- Adopted recommendations on draft One Seattle Plan and draft EIS

2025-2026 Biennial budget
- Adopted initial recommendations on the 2025-26 biennial budget

2023 Recommendations

2024 Budget process
- Adopted initial budget recommendations
- Adopted supporting budget recommendations

ANSI/ISA Standards
Seattle Arborist Association briefing feedback

Tree protection ordinance update
- Adopted October 2024 support for Culturally Modified Trees amendment
- Adopted recommendations on Director's Rules 7-2023 and 8-2023
- Adopted May 2023 recommendations re: tree protection ordinance process
- Adopted May 2023 recommendations re: tree protection ordinance amendments
- Adopted April 2023 recommendations re: draft urban forest protection ordinance
- Adopted January 2023 recommendations re: urban forest protection ordinance update status

City Urban Forestry Program briefings feedback
- Green Seattle Partnership program update and Discovery Park proposed thinning project
- Seattle Public Utilities program updates
- Seattle Department of Transportation program updates

Position 8 appointment process
Adopted letter re: concerns with the Position 8 appointment process

Tree Service Provider Registration Ordinance
Adopted recommendations re: Tree Service Provider Registration ordinance potential amendments

2022 Recommendations

Trees for Seattle Parks program
Adopted comments re: Trees for Seattle Parks program presentation

SPU Taylor Creek restoration project 
Adopted recommendations re: Taylor Creek restoration project (November 30, 2022)

2023 Seattle city budget 
Adopted recommendations re: city's 2023 budget (October 20, 2022)

The Nature Conservancy urban forestry work 
Adopted appreciation letter for TNC Washington and NYC UF work (October 5, 2022)

Housing density and trees 
Adopted appreciation letter for Larch Labs (September 7, 2022)

2024 Comprehensive Plan
Adopted Comp Plan EIS Scoping Alternatives recommendations (August 17, 2022)

SEPA draft urban forest protection ordinance
Adopted recommendations re: draft ordinance (July 20, 2022)

Chief Arborist Statement of Legislative Intent 
Adopted recommendation re: Chief Arborist SLI response timeline (June 15, 2022)

Ship Canal Water Quality Project 
Adopted recommendations re: SPU's Ship Canal water quality project (June 1, 2022)

SPR Tree Management Policy
Adopted recommendations re: SPR's draft updated Tree Management Policy (June 1, 2022)

2023 Seatte city budget 
Adopted recommendations re: city's 2023 budget (June 1, 2022)

Canopy cover assessment 
Adopted letter of recommendations re: canopy cover assessment (May 4, 2022)

Tree service provider registration ordinance 
Adopted letter of recommendations re: TSP registration ordinance (April 6, 2022)

Tree protection ordinance udpate
Adopted letter of recommendation re: draft tree protection ordinance (March 9, 2022)

SDCI omnibus - ECA code updates
Adopted letter of recommendation re: SDCI omnibus (February 2, 2022)

New City Councilmember welcome letter
Adopted welcome letter to CM Sara Nelson (January 12, 2022)

New City Attorney welcome letter
Adopted welcome letter to Ann Davidson (January 12, 2022)

Seattle Comprehensive Plan update
Adopted letter of recommendation re: Comprehensive Plan update (January 5, 2022)

New Mayor welcome letter
Adopted welcome letter to Mayor Harrell (January 5, 2022)

Sooty Bark Disease
Adopted letter of recommendation re: sooty bark disease (January 5, 2022)

2021 Recommendations

SDCI tree protection updates
Adopted letter of recommendation re: tree protection updates proposals and process (December 8, 2021)

City Attorney's Office
Adopted letter to City Attorney re: Ordinance 123052 (December 8, 2021)

City's 2022 Budget
Adopted letter of recommendation re: 2022 budget (November 10, 2021)

Urban forestry consolidation Statement of Legislative Intent
Adopted letter of recommendation re: UF consolidation SLI process and collaboration processes (November 10, 2021)

SDCI tree protection updates
Adopted letter of recommendation and feedback on tree protection updates (November 3, 2021)

Seattle Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan
Adopted thank you letter with recommendations (October 6, 2021)

Urban forestry consolidation Statement of Legislative Intent
Adopted letter of recommendation re: UF consolidation SLI (September 8, 2021)

Urban heat islands
Urban Heat Islands letter (August 4, 2021)

Yesler Terrace Proposed Action Ordinance
Adopted Yesler Terrace Proposed Action Ordinance recommendations letter (August 4, 2021)

Seattle's Green New Deal
Adopted Green New Deal thank you letter (July 15, 2021)

Seattle Public Utilities restoration work
Adopted SPU restoration work thank you letter (July 15, 2021)

Urban forestry consolidation Statement of Legislative Intent
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: UF consolidation SLI (July 15, 2021)

SDCI's Tree Tracking Spreadsheet
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: tracking progress of SEattle tree removal and replacement on public and private land (May 12, 2021)

New roles at the Office of Sustainability & Environment
Adopted letter of congratulations for new roles at OSE (May 5, 2021)

SDOT use of Permavoid
Thank you letter to SDOT for briefing and creative solutions (May 5, 2021)

SDCI's Draft Director's Rule 13-2020 - Exceptional Trees
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Draft Director's Rule 13-2020 - Exceptional Trees (March 10, 2021)
Adopted letter with additional recommendation RE: Draft Director's Rule 13-2020 - Exceptional Trees (April 14, 2021)

UFC 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Plan
Adopted 2020 Annual Report
Adopted 2021 Work Plan
Adopted transmittal letter (February 3, 2021)

Seattle Parks and Recreation initiatives
Thank you letter to SPR with recommendations (January 13, 2021)

2020 Recommendations

Draft 2020 Urban Forest Management Plan
Letter with comments to draft 2020 UFMP (December 9, 2020)

Tree regulations update Racial Equity Toolkit
Thank you letter to SDCI for work on RET (December 9, 2020)

City's 2021 Budget
Adopted letter of recommendation RE 2021 budget (November 18, 2020)

Cambium Carbon Reforestaton Hub Development Initiative
Adopted thank you letter for Reforestation Hubs initiative presentation (November 4, 2020)
Adopted letter of recommendation encouraging the City's Urban Forestry Core Team to apply for pilot city status (October 14, 2020)

iSeaTree Tree Trackign Application
Adopted iSeaTree application thank you letter (October 7, 2020)

Forest Health Watch project
Adopted Forest Health Watch Project thank you letter (October 7, 2020)

SDCI Director's Rule 11-2020 Landscaping Standards, Including Green Factor
Adopted letter of recommendations RE: SDCI Director's Rule 11-2020 (September 9, 2020)

Pest Readiness Planning
Adopted thank you letter to SDOT for pest readiness work (September 9, 2020)

Washington, D.C. Urban Forestry Program
Adopted thank you letter to Washington, D.C. for program presentation (September 9, 2020)

SDCI Director's Rule 13-2020 Exceptional Trees
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: SDCI Director's Rule 13-2020 (August 12, 2020)

SDCI fee-in-lieu research
Adopted letter thanking SDCI for fee-in-lieu work (August 5, 2020)

Statement of support for Black Lives Matter
Adopted letter with statement of support for Black Lives Matter (July 1, 2020)

SDCI thank you and recommendations on tree regulations update
Adopted thank you and recommendations letter to SDCI (July 1, 2020)

SDCI Tree Data Roadmap Project
Adopted letter to SDCI RE: Tree Data Roadmap Project (May 13, 2020)

Green New Deal
Adopted Green New Deal Thank you letter (May 13, 2020)

Navigation Team
Adopted Thankyou letter to Navigation Team (May 13, 2020)

Urban Forestry Commission protocols
UFC coordinator protocols (April 1, 2020)
UFC briefing coordination and letter drafting guidelines (April 8, 2020)

King County's 30-year Forest Plan
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: King County's 30-year Forest Plan (March 11, 2020)

Ship Canal Water Quality Project
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Ship Canal Water Quality Project (March 4, 2020)

Safe Routes to School and Neighborhood Greenways
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Safe Routes to Schools (February 12, 2020)

2019 Annual Report and 2020 Work Plan transmittal letter
Adopted transmittal letter (January 8, 2020)
Adopted 2019 Annual Report
Adopted 2020 Work Plan

2019 Recommendations

Tree Regulations Update one-pager
Adopted tree regulations update one-pager (October 9, 2019)

Mayor's Proposed 2020 budget: Green Seattle Partnership Funding levels
Adopted level RE: GSP funding levels (October 9, 2019)
Mayor's Office response letter (October 18, 2019)
Adopted follow-up letter RE: GSP budget (November 13, 2019)
Superintendent Aguirre's email response (November 25, 2019)

Updating the Tree Protection Ordinance (SMC 25.11)
Adopted letter to the Mayor RE: updating the tree protection ordinance (SMC 25.11) (September 4, 2019)
Adopted letter thanking City Council and the Mayor for adopting Resolution 31902 - Development and Implementation of a Revised Tree Ordinance (November 13, 2019)

Per City Council request, the Urban Forestry Commission provided line-item input to the Draft D7 of the Tree Regulations Update Ordinance
UFC document with UFC input

MHA Ordinance Amendments and Draft Companion Resolution
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: MHA Ordinance Amendments and Draft Companion Resolution (March 13, 2019)

Cheasty Mountain Bike and Pedestrian Trail Pilot Project
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Cheasty Mountain Bike and Pedestrian Trail Pilot Project

Friends of Discovery Park Vegetation Management Platform
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Friends of Discovery Park vegetation management platform

MHA Ordinance Amendment follow up - Amending SMC 25.11.090
Adopted follow up letter of recommendation RE: Amending SMC 25.11.090 in MHA Ordinance (February 6, 2019)

Tree Protection Ordinance Update
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Tree Protection Ordinance update

MHA Ordinance Amendment Process
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: tree protection inside the MHA Ordinance (January 9, 2019)

Battery Street Tunnel Closure
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Battery Street Tunnel closure opportunities

2018 Recommendations

Green Factor Director's Rule
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Green Factor Director's Rule

Response to Council Central Staff policy questions
Adopted letter responding to Central Staff policy questions and making recommendations for replacement and mitigation plantings as part of tree regulation bill.
Council Central Staff September 14 Memo

Budget for updated proposed tree ordinance
Adopted October 10 letter of recommendation on adequately resourcing an updated proposed tree ordinance

Draft Tree Regulation Update Ordinance
Adopted August 31 letter of recommendation RE: Draft Tree Regulation Updates Ordinance (D7)

Mandatory Housing Affordability Ordinance
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: MHA Ordinance and Green Factor Director's Rule

Accessory Dwelling Unit Draft EIS
Adopted letter with comments to the ADU Draft EIS

Trees for All proposal
Adopted letter with comments to Council Central Staff May 11 Memorandum
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: CM Johnson's Trees for All proposal

SDCI Tree Regulations Update
Adopted letter of recommendation on Tree Regulations update (April 11, 2018)
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: Enforcement of SMC 25.11.090 - Tree Replacement and Site Restoration (July 11, 2018)

Seattle Public Utilities Ship Canal Water Quality Program/3rd Ave Water Main Projects
Adopted planting plan recommendations

Thank you letter to Mr. Stotler
Adopted thank you letter to Mr. Stotler for sale of property to be added to Scmitz Park

Welcome letter to Mayor Durkan
Adopted welcome letter to Mayor Durkan

Seattle Department Construction & Inspections Director's Rule 21-2017 on Calculating Tree Valuations and Civil Penalties for Tree Protection Code Violations
Adopted letter of recommendation RE: SDCI DR 21-2017 on Tree Valuation and Penalties

2017 Recommendations

Tree Protection Executive Order and Tree Regulations Research Project
Adopted letter RE: Tree Protection EO and Tree Regulations Research Project

Support for Seattle Children's Hospital
Adopted letter of support for Seattle Children's Hospital

Request for SDCI briefing
Adopted letter requesting SDCI briefing on Tree Regulations Research Project

Design Review Board Improvements
Adopted letter RE: Design Review Board Improvements

Mandatory Housing Affordability Draft EIS
Adopted letter RE: MHA Draft EIS

Urban Bird Treaty
Adopted letter RE: Urban Bird Treaty

Seattle City Light and Seattle Department of Transportation tree pruning
Adopted SCL and SDOT tree pruning letter of recommendation

University of Washington Urban Forest Management Plan
Adopted UW Urban Forest Management Plan letter of recommendation

2016 Recommendations

Draft Climate Preparedness Strategy
Adopted Climate Preparedness Strategy letter of recommendation

Backyard Cottages and Accessory Dwelling Units
Adopted Accessory Dwelling Unit letter

Homeless Encampments
Adopted Opening Parks Property to Homeless Encampments

Major Institutions Master Planning
Adopted Major Institutions Master Planning letter of recommendation

Right-of-Way Improvements Manual update
Adopted Right-of-Way Improvements Manual update letter of recommendation (May 2016)
Adopted ROIWM update letter of recommendation (September 2016)

Environmental Critical Areas Update
Adopted Environmental Critical Areas Update letter of recommendation

2015 Recommendations

Recommendation on the Draft 2035 Comp Plan
Adopted letter of recommendation of the Draft 2035 Comp Plan

Letter welcoming Jesus Aguirre, New Parks Superintendent
Adopted letter welcoming Jesus Aguirre

City Fruit
Adopted letter of support for City Fruit

Comments to Parks' Draft Supplemental Use Guidelines for Natural Areas/Greenbelts
Adopted Comments to Parks Board on Draft Supplemental Use Guidelines for Natural Areas/Greenbelts
Second UFC letter regarding Parks' August 4, 2015 revised Draft Supplemental Use Guidelines for Natural Areas/Greenbelts

Comments to Comp Plan Draft EIS
Adopted Comments to Comp Plan Draft EIS letter

Arboretum Multi-Use Trail
Adopted Arboretum Multi-Use Trail letter of recommendation
Arboretum Botanical Garden Committee response
Washington Park Arboretum Agreement
Arboretum/Botanical Garden definition

Cheasty Greenspace Hydrology Issues
Adopted letter on Cheasty Greenspace Hydrology Issues

Tree Grates on Downtown Streets
Adopted Thank you letter to SDOT

2014 Recommendations

Urban Forestry and the Carbon Market
Adopted Opportunities for Urban Forestry in the Carbon Market letter

Parks' Revised Permanent Use Policy for Natural Areas and Greenbelts
Adopted Parks' Revised Permanent Use Policy for Natural Areas and Greenbelts

Plant Amnesty Washington State DoE Grant Application
Adopted Plant Amnesty Washington State Department of Ecology Grant Application letter of support

Queen Anne Children's Home Property
Adopted Queen Anne Children's Home Property Letter of Recommendation

Comments on Street Tree Manual
Adopted comments on the draft Street Tree Manual

Avenue of Street Trees Letter of Recommendation
Adopted Avenue of Street Trees letter of recommendation

Letter Welcoming Scott Kubly, new SDOT Director
Adopted letter welcoming Scott Kubly

Tree Grates on Downtown Street Trees
Adopted recommendation to SDOT on tree grates downtown

Executive Order 03-05 - Tree Replacement
Adopted recommendation on Executive Order 03-05 - Tree Replacement

DPD Tree Ordinance
Adopted letter to Councilmember Bagshaw

DPD Reporting
Adopted letter of recommendation on DPD reporting

Plant Amnesty KCD Grant application
Adopted Plant Amnesty KCD Grant letter of support

Seattle City Light Disposition of Surplus Stations
Adopted recommendation on Disposition of Seattle City Light surplus stations
SCL response letter

Seattle Parks District
Adopted recommendation to put a Seattle Parks District on the Ballot

Cheasty Mountain Bike Pilot
Adopted Cheasty Mountain Bike Pilot letter of recommendation

Seattle Times Park
Adopted Seattle Times Park letter of recommendation

Welcome letters
Adopted CM Bagshaw letter
Adopted Mayor welcome letter

2013 Recommendations

2013 Urban Forest Stewardship Plan
Adopted recommendation to add UFSP action item on maintenance of public trees
Adopted UFSP support letter
Adopted 2014 UFSP funding recommendation

City Fruit
Adopted City Fruit support letter
City Fruit follow up letter

Small lot development in Single Family zones
Adopted recommendation on small lot development in Single Family zones

Position Paper on Trees and Views
Adopted Position Paper on Trees and Views

DPD on tree preservation protocols during small development projects
Adopted Tree Preservation Protocols for Small Development Projects recommendation
DPD response letter

2012 Recommendations

Green Seattle Partnership
Adopted GSP rate funding recommendation
Adopted Green Seattle Partnership funding recommendation

Seattle's Forest Ecosystems Values (i-Tree) report
Adopted Seattle's Forest Ecosystems Values (i-Tree) report recommendation

Design Guidelines update
Adopted UFC Design Guidelines recommendation

Urban Forest Management Plan Update
Draft Urban Forest Management Plan update
Adopted UFC Recommendation on canopy cover goal for Industrial Area for UFMP update

Yesler Terrace Redevelopment
Yesler Terrace Tree Protection Plan
Adopted UFC Recommendation on Yesler Terrace Redevelopment

SDOT Street Tree Ordinance
Adopted UFC Recommendation on SDOT's Street Tree Ordinance
SDOT Response to UFC Recommendation

2011 Recommendations

Tree Removal Permits
Position paper on Tree Removal Permit

Professional Standards for Tree Pruning and Tree Removal
Position paper on Professional Standards for Tree Pruning and Tree Removal

UFC Messaging
Adopted UFC messaging document

UW Innovation Zone
Final Letter to UW President on Innovation Zone

Seafair Torch Light Parade
SDOT Letter to Seafair
UFC Seafair Torch Light Parade recommendation to Council
UFC Seafair Torch Light Parade recommendation to Mayor
Response from Mayor

Community Tree Planting and Education Program
UFC letter of support for consolidation of Comm. Tree Planting and Education Programs

Seattle Comprehensive Plan
Environment Element
UFC Comp Plan update recommendation

Shoreline Master Program Regulations
Follow-up UFC Comments to Shoreline Master Program Regulations
Final Shoreline Master Program Comment Letter 5-4-11

Urban Forest Management Plan
UFMP adoption letter to Council 3-2-11
Response from Council

2010 Recommendations

DPD Proposed Tree Regulations
DPD revised draft tree regulations update summary and Director's report (2012)
UFC 8-13-10 initial response
UFC 10-20-10 follow-up response
Position Paper on Tracking and Permitting of Tree Removals
Professional Standards Position Paper
Tree Standards Position Paper
4-13-12 letter from Councilmember Richard Conlin

Multi-family Code (low-rise & Green Factor)
UFC on multifamily code changes to low-rise zones and Green Factor

Heron Rookeries
Press release
UFC on Heron Rookeries
DPD response

The Urban Forestry Commission provides recommendations on and monitors implementation of plans, policies, and legislation related to the protection, management, and conservation of trees in Seattle.