Appeal Process and Forms
Filing an Appeal with the Public Safety Civil Service Commission
Download a flowchart overview of the PSCSC disciplinary appeal and hearing process HERE.
How to file a disciplinary appeal:
- A notice of appeal of a disciplinary decision (suspension, demotion, termination) must be filed within ten (10) days of the date of SPD/SFD's notification to the employee of the final disciplinary decision.
- The notice of appeal shall be in writing and include the mailing address and street address where service of process and other papers may be upon the appellant.
- The notice of appeal shall also contain a brief description of the facts giving rise to the appeal, and a concise statement of the reason for the appeal.
- The PSCSC offers a Notice of Appeal form. Use of this form is preferred but not required.
Due to the pandemic, the PSCSC is unable to accept appeal filings in-person or through the office mail slot at Seattle Municipal Tower at the time.
Notices of Appeal are accepted by email to PSCSC staff:
Executive Director Andrea Scheele
Executive Assistant Teresa Jacobs
- Appeals must be signed. Electronic signatures are accepted or you may email your Notice of Appeal or equivalent and mail a signed hard copy via US postal service to:
Public Safety Civil Service Commission, attn: Notice of Appeal
700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1670
PO Box 94729 Seattle, WA 98124-4729
*The date of receipt for determining timeliness is the date the emailed their Notice of Appeal to PSCSC staff.
Questions about the appeal and hearing processes may be directed to Commission staff.