Water Conservation

Children watching the falls.
Children tour the falls at the Cedar River Watershed.

The Operating Board collaborates on regional water conservation through its "Saving Water Partnership." Operating Board members set and oversee conservation goals, objectives, and conservation program focus and intensity. Staff from the Operating Board member utilities comprise the Conservation Technical Forum which is tasked with designing programs within parameters defined by the Operating Board.

As a statement of objectives for its regional conservation efforts from 2019-2028, the Operating Board agreed that the Saving Water Partnership will:

  • Maintain a cushion between demand and supply
  • Ensure conservation capacity (staff expertise and industry partnerships) is available to deliver conservation services, as well as to respond to droughts and supply disruptions
  • Help customers use water wisely and manage their bills
  • Preserve the customer water conservation ethic
  • Be good stewards of our water resources and environment
  • Meet regulatory, contractual, and stakeholder requirements and expectations

The Operating Board set a water conservation goal, as required by the Washington State Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Rule. The goal is a regional one that was developed collectively and formally adopted by each utility's governing body. Each utility reports on the goal annually to the Washington State Department of Health and to their customers. The regional 2019-2028 WUE goal is to "keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 mgd through 2028 despite forecasted population growth by reducing per capita water use."

For more information about the program for utility customers, visit the Saving Water Partnership website.