Transparency Advisory Group

In July 2021, former Mayor Durkan issued the Public Record Acts Directive to address concerns about the City's handling of public records and public records requests. The PRA Directive outlined specific deliverables and analysis, including standing up an external advisory board to provide perspective and recommendations to improve City response to records requests. This Transparency Advisory Group (TAG) includes external subject matter experts who provided critical perspectives and recommendations to improve policies, process, and approach to Citywide public records responses.


Morgan Damerow (Washington Attorney General Office)
Ginger Armbruster (City of Seattle)
Hon. William Downing (Retired Judge)
Jonathan Martin (Seattle Times)
Ramsey Ramerman (City of Everett)
Julie Kipp (City of Seattle)
Eric Stahl (Attorney)
Rowland Thompson (Allied Daily Newspapers)
Ashley Hiruko (KUOW)
Isolde Raftery (KUOW)
Amy Radil (KUOW)
Kathy George (Attorney)
Keith Shipman (Washington Association of Broadcasters)
Norman Dizon (City of Seattle)
Michele Earl Hubbard (Attorney)
Poppy MacDonald (USA Facts)

Public Records

Mailing Address: PO Box 94726, Seattle, WA, 98124-4726
Phone: Customer Service Bureau (206) 684-2489
Public Records Request Center

In the interest of transparency and responsibility to all residents, taxpayers and other constituents, the City of Seattle aims to make the process of obtaining public records as easy as possible.