Archived Decisions
Hearing Examiner decisions from 1975 to 1989 (below) are available for download; they are not searchable. The decisions are zip archived by case type and, within each case type, are organized by year.
Hearing Examiner decisions from 1990 to the present are maintained by the City Clerk and are available online from the Clerk’s Office or through Hearing Examiner Decisions.
Decisions 1975-1989
Click on the Case Type to download the file.
B & O Taxes - Zip Archive
Council Files- Zip Archive
Development Standards Departure - Zip Archive
Downtown Housing Maintenance - Zip Archive
Floating Homes - Zip Archive
Grading and Drainage - Zip Archive
Housing - Zip Archive
Interpretation - Zip Archive
Landmarks - Zip Archive
Master Use Permit - Zip Archive
Pike Place Market - Zip Archive
SEPA - Zip Archive
Special Review Districts - Zip Archive