About the Board

The City of Seattle Green New Deal Oversight Board was established by City Council (Ordinance 125926) to provide proposals for the design of new policies, programs, and projects and for modifications to existing policies, programs and projects to the Mayor, City Council, and City departments to advance a Green New Deal for Seattle.

Green New Deal Oversight Board Members:

The City of Seattle Green New Deal Oversight Board is composed of 19 appointed members who are passionate about advancing an equitable transition to renewable energy by centering the expertise of Black, Indigenous, People of Color, immigrants, refugees, people with low incomes, youth, elders and workers harmed first and worse by climate change. Members are appointed by the Mayor, City Council, or the Board itself into one of the following position categories as defined in Ordinance 125926 (section 3.14.979 to the Seattle Municipal Code):

  • Eight positions designated for community representatives directly impacted by racial, economic, and environmental injustices (including two tribal members and two individuals between the ages of 16 and 25 at the time of their appointment).
  • Four positions designated for representatives of labor unions.
  • Three positions designated for representatives of environmental justice organizations.
  • Three positions designated for representatives with experience in greenhouse gas reduction and climate resiliency strategies relevant to cities.
  • One position designated for an individual specializing in workforce training.

Current Members: 

Name Position Title Appointing Authority
Nancy Huizar Frontline Representative Mayor
Matt Remle Frontline Representative City Council
Lizzy Baskerville Frontline Representative Mayor
Rachel Heaton Tribal Representative City Council
Ken Workman
Tribal Representative Mayor

Hannah Lindell-Smith

Youth Representative City Council
Camille Gipaya Youth Representative Mayor
Stephanie Ung Frontline Representative Board
Susan Balbas Environmental Justice Representative Mayor
Debolina Banerjee Environmental Justice Representative City Council
Eunice How Environmental Justice Representative Board
Peter Hasegawa Labor Union Representative Mayor
Emily Myers Labor Union Representative City Council
Andrea Ornelas Labor Union Representative City Council
Keith Weir Labor Union Representative Mayor
Jess Wallach Greenhouse Gas Reduction / Climate Resiliency Specialist City Council
Nina Olivier Greenhouse Gas Reduction / Climate Resiliency Specialist Board
Emily Pinckney Greenhouse Gas Reduction / Climate Resiliency Specialist City Council
Steve Gelb Workforce Training Specialist Mayor