Fleet coordinators or managers in various departments are important liaisons between their vehicle and equipment operators and the FAS Fleet Management division. General questions regarding the City's fleet should be directed to Finance and Administrative Services – Fleet Management, while questions regarding a specific department's fleet should be directed to that department.
Sandra Boas-Dupree | ||
As authorized in the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC 3.126.010), the Fleet Management division (FM) centrally manages the City fleet to provide quality, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable vehicles and equipment to all City departments. FMD also provides vehicle and equipment acquisition, disposal and motor pool services, as well as replacement and green fleet planning to improve and maintain the quality of the City's fleet.
Once the City no longer needs specific vehicles and other fleet equipment, the surplus vehicles are sold at auction.
FM utilizes City and state vendor contracts to purchase and manage fleet assets, vehicle parts, fuel and other fleet-related products and services. Visit the Purchasing and Contracting website to learn how you can do business with FM.
Business opportunities
If you're interested in doing fleet-related business with us, consider adding your business to the City's Online Business Directory (OBD).
Filing a claim
If you believe the City of Seattle is responsible for a loss, injury or damages incurred in an incident or accident, you can file a claim for damages against the City. Please visit the City's Filing a Damage Claim site for more information.