Data and Stats

Client Statistics

Time period: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023

  • Number of clients enrolled to program: 850
  • Number of referrals: 1,897
  • Number of responses: 1,185
  • Documented Interactions (in-person and administrative): 3,896
  • Documented in-person interactions: 1,513
  • Percentage of clients who are unhoused: 50.5%*

*Clients are considered homeless if they are obviously residing in an outdoor location (tent, RV, etc.), if they are residing in an emergency shelter, or if they self-report as homeless. 

Pie chart illustrating Health One's contact results for 2023

Bar chart illustrating reasons for Health One runs from January 2023 to August 2024

Operational Statistics

Average scene time and dispatches per shift

In 2023 Health One units (including the Overdose Response Team) responded to an average of 5.8 runs/workday with an on-scene average time of 47 minutes. As of August 31, 2024, this is 7.5 runs/workday and 43 minutes, respectively.

Fire Department

Harold Scoggins, Fire Chief
Address: 301 2nd Ave S, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: 301 2nd Ave S, Seattle, WA, 98104
Phone: (206) 386-1400
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The Seattle Fire Department (SFD) has 33 fire stations located throughout the City. SFD deploys engine companies, ladder companies, and aid and medic units to mitigate loss of life and property resulting from fires, medical emergencies, and other disasters.