Fire Code & Fire Safety Documents

The Seattle Fire Code is developed in cooperation with the Fire Code Advisory Board (FCAB), a volunteer advisory board that represents the interests of the public, organized labor and local business, industry and technical trades. We develop new editions of the Seattle Fire Code every three years.

2021 Seattle Fire Code

The 2021 Seattle Fire Code was adopted by City Council in fall 2024 with an effective date of Nov. 15, 2024. 

The 2021 Washington state codes took effect March 15, 2024. After the state effective date of March 15, 2024, but prior to the mandatory City of Seattle effective date, applicants were allowed to design to either the 2018 Seattle Codes or the 2021 Seattle Codes. 

Requests: Code Alternates, System Decommissioning, Vacant Bldg Exemptions

Code modifications and alternates provide flexibility for the fire code official to grant modifications for individual cases where the strict letter of the Seattle Fire Code is impractical and the modification does not lessen health, life and fire safety requirements. To obtain approval for a modification, submit a Code Modification or Alternate Request Form and any supporting data or documentation to the Seattle Fire Marshal’s Office. If your project is not currently going through City permitting or SFD permitting, there is an hourly charge of $248 per hour for our review. For further details, see Client Assistance Memo #1040.

Decommissioning of Fire and Life Safety Systems In the unusual circumstance where a fire and life safety system is no longer required by the Seattle Fire Code, responsible party or their representative may request to decommission the system(s). Example: an area that previously served as a kitchen has been remodeled to a dining area only, and there is no longer a cooking appliance that requires a hood suppression system. To obtain review of your request to decommission a fire and life safety system, please complete this form: Request to Decommission Fire Protection System. There is an hourly charge of $248 per hour for our review.

Vacant Building Exemption from Testing and Maintenance Requirements for Fire and Life Safety Systems The Seattle Fire Code allows limited exceptions to testing and maintenance requirements for fire and life safety systems in vacant buildings. See 2018 SFC Section 311.2 Safeguarding Vacant Premises and information included in this form: Exception Request: Fire Protection System Maintenance in Vacant Building. There is an hourly charge of $248 per hour for our review.

Free review on the adopted 2021 Seattle Fire Code is available here.

The full pdf version of the 2021 Seattle Fire Code will be available from

Bound paper volumes of the 2021 Seattle Fire Code will be available for purchase for $80. You may buy them in two locations, once they become available.

Seattle Building Codes are available on the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) code pages.

The Seattle Fire Code provides authority for the Fire Code Official to adopt policies, procedures, rules and regulations to clarify the application of the fire code. Administrative Rules are reviewed and approved by FCAB prior to public notice in the Daily Journal of Commerce and are then filed with the Seattle City Clerk.

Administrative Rule 1.01.17 - Fee Waiver Policies for Compliance Re-Inspection Fees Charged by the Fire Marshal's Office
Administrative Rule 9.01.24 - Certificates of Competency for Installing, Inspecting, Testing and Maintaining Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems

Administrative Rule 9.02.24 - Inspection, Testing, Maintenance and Reporting Requirements for Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems and Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems

Administrative Rule 9.03.20 - Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems

Administrative Rule 9.04.24 - Impaired Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems and Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems

Administrative Rule 9.05.18 - Alarm Signal Verification
Administrative Rule 9.06.14 - Sprinkler Systems and Fire Alarms for Elevator Machinery Rooms, Hoist Ways and Pits
Administrative Rule 9.07.17 - Partial / Phased Occupancy, Occupancy During Construction and Temporary Certificates of Occupancy

Administrative Rule 9.09.18 - Visible Alarm Notification Devices

Administrative Rule 11.01.18 - Fire Escape Stair Structural Examination, Testing and Repair Requirements
Administrative Rule 26.01.24 - Cutting, Welding and Other Hot Work on Marine Vessel
Administrative Rule 26.02.24 - Designated Marine Hot Work Facilities and Shipyard
Administrative Rule 27.01.24 - Marine Terminals
Administrative Rule 27.02.04 - Storage and Use of Hazardous Materials, Including Flammable and Combustible Liquids, in Freight Containers Outside of Buildings
Administrative Rule 34.02.07 - Decommissioning Residential Heating Oil Tanks

CAMs help explain the requirements of the Seattle Fire Code.

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CAM 1040 Requesting a Code Modification or Alternate

CAM 1200 Lithium Ion battery safety for personal mobility devices and other personal devices

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CAM 5001 Obtaining a Permit

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CAM 5002 Electronic File Standards: Shop Drawings for Fire Protection Systems

CAM 5022 Recreational and Cooking Fire Regulations

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CAM 5032 Fire Inspections for Nightlife and Entertainment Venues

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CAM 5033 Ceremonial Fireworks

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CAM 5034 Public Safety Plans and Crowd Managers

CAM 5042 Fire Code Regulations for Holiday Decorations

CAM 5051 Fire Safety and Evacuation Plans

CAM 5052 Fire Emergency Guide

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CAM 5072 Fire Emergency Plans for Marinas, Piers, Wharves and Floats

CAM 5120 Liquid Oxygen in Home Healthcare

CAM 5121 Carbon Monoxide Alarm Requirements in Existing Residential Occupancies

CAM 5122 Wired Emergency Communication Systems

CAM 5123 Emergency Responder/Public Safety Radio Enhancement Systems

Radio Coverage Assessment Form

CAM 5961 Fire Extinguishers

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CAM 5962 Decommissioning of Residential Heating Oil Tanks

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CAM 5963 High Rise Emergency Evacuation Drills

CAM 5965 Key Boxes for Emergency Access

CAM 5966 The Engineering Inspection Process 

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CAM 5969 Building Safety and Inspections 

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CAM 5970 Preventable or "False" Alarms 

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CAM 5971 Testing of Fire Protection Systems and Emergency Responder Radio Amplification Systems 

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Seattle Fire Report of Impaired System Form 

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CAM 5972 Requesting a Review by the Seattle Fire Code Appeals Board 

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CAM 5973 Fire Escape Confidence Testing

CAM 5974 Emergency Lighting: Testing and Inspection

CAM 5981 High-Rise Building Inspection Program

CAM 5982 High Rise Fire Emergency Planning Requirements

CAM 5983 High-Piled Combustible Storage

CAM 5987 Smoke Detector Installation

CAM 5991 Fire Watch

CAM 6000 Clothes Dryer Safety

NFPA Amendments

The 2018 Seattle Fire Code has two new chapters 40 and 41. Chapter 40, Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems, includes the reference to the 2017 edition of the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Standard 130, which was adopted by Washington state. The City of Seattle has adopted local amendments to that standard, and those are shown in Chapter 40 of the 2018 Seattle Fire Code. Chapter 41, Road Tunnels, Bridges and Other Limited Access Highways, includes the reference to the 2017 edition of NFPA Standard 502 with City of Seattle adopted local amendments. 

Fire Department - Fire Prevention Division

Harold Scoggins, Fire Chief
Address: 220 3rd Ave S, 2nd Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: 220 3rd Ave S , Seattle, WA, 98104
Phone: (206) 386-1450
Contact Us

The Seattle Fire Department (SFD) has 33 fire stations located throughout the City. SFD deploys engine companies, ladder companies, and aid and medic units to mitigate loss of life and property resulting from fires, medical emergencies, and other disasters. The Department also has units for ...