Construction Codes Advisory Board
What Is It?
We depend on the advice of professionals and citizens when we develop the technical construction codes used by people building in Seattle. The volunteer Construction Codes Advisory Board (CCAB) gives us input about these codes. The CCAB reviews and recommends approval of:
- Updates to construction design, material, and technology requirements in the construction codes
- New construction codes and new code editions
- Minimum code requirements needed for a safe, sustainable, and accessible built environment
The CCAB can also provide another opinion to the building official when permit applicants are unsatisfied with a decision about a technical code requirement. For more information, read Tip 332, Review of SDCI Decisions by the Construction Codes Advisory Board.
CCAB may appoint various sub-committees to explore construction criteria that are not covered by the technical construction codes and could include the use of the Innovation Advisory Committee.
The CCAB's 13 members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Its authority comes from Seattle Building Code Section 105.
Each board member serves a three-year term. Members serve until they are reappointed or someone is appointed to replace them. If you think you might be interested in serving on CCAB, watch the City's Boards and Commissions page for information about openings.
Meetings are scheduled for the first and third Thursday of every month, as needed.
For more information, read these code sections: Section 103.11 of the Seattle Building Code, Section 112.1 of the Seattle Mechanical Code, Section 103.3 of the Seattle Plumbing Code, Sections C109.2 and R109.2 of the Seattle Energy Code, Section 1.6.14 of the Seattle Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code, and Section 80.17 of the Seattle Electrical Code.
Who Are the Members?
Each board member represents a profession or the general public. CCAB has the following positions:
- 1 architect - Jim Safranek
- 1 structural engineer - Greg Gilda
- 1 electrical engineer - Vacant
- 1 general contractor - Finnegan Wetterau
- 1 electrical contractor - Joseph Tremblay
- 1 organized labor - Joel Crabtree
- 3 general public - Jamie Yengel, Robert S. Lane, Judy Tucker
- 1 heating, refrigeration, and air-conditioning engineer - Eric Vander Mey
- 1 commercial building owner or operator - Bill Babbitt
- 1 apartment building owner or operator - Lachlan Foss
- 1 developer or contractor of residential projects - Lily Iftner
In addition to these positions, the Seattle Fire Department, Seattle City Light, and Public Health - Seattle & King County are represented by non-voting members.