Community Involvement Commission
As Seattle's population changes, the City needs to continually revisit and expand its public engagement efforts to ensure growing demographic groups are represented in the City's decision-making processes and that barriers discouraging people from participating are eliminated.
In July 2016, Executive Order 2016-06 was signed reaffirming the City's commitment to advance effective implementation of equitable and inclusive engagement strategies across all City departments. In the 2017-2018 Budget, legislation was passed that addresses the Mayor's outreach and engagement principles, outlines a new citywide framework for community engagement, and creates a Community Involvement Commission.
Role of the Community Involvement Commission
The Community Involvement Commission advises the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and other City departments on coordinated, Citywide outreach and engagement activities. Its goals are to:
- Provide advice on priorities, policies, and strategies related to equitable civic engagement and public participation in City decision-making processes. This includes the review of initiatives, strategies and proposals brought forward by the City, as well as ones identified by the Commission.
- Provide feedback on the development of City departments' community involvement plans with a focus on implementing more equitable engagement strategies and identifying new ways to increase civic participation in City processes.
- Develop and periodically amend bylaws and a work plan that enable the Commission to organize itself, perform its work, and advance program and policy proposals consistent with its mission.
A total of 16 individuals serve as members of the Community Involvement Commission. Individuals in positions 1 through 7 are appointed by the City Council, with each member representing the City Council district that corresponds to their position number. Individuals in positions 8 through 14 are appointed by the Mayor, with position 14 reserved for a young adult through the Get Engaged program. These 14 members are subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the City Council. Members in positions 15 and 16 are selected by the Commission subject to approval by the Mayor and confirmation by a majority vote of the Council.
For the initial round of appointments, odd-numbered positions serve one-year terms and even-numbered positions serve two-year terms. After the conclusion of the initial terms, all subsequent terms of each position shall be for two years, except for the Get Engaged position, which will continue to have a one-year term. No Commission members shall serve more than two full consecutive terms. By a majority vote, the Commission will annually elect one or more members to serve as its Chair. Members of the Commission serve in a volunteer capacity and dedicate approximately three to six hours per month to their roles.
The Community Involvement Commission advises the Mayor, City Council, and the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods on equitable public engagement strategies with a focus on underrepresented communities.
The vision of the Community Involvement Commission is to give Seattle communities, especially historically underrepresented communities, a trusted voice to the City of Seattle.
자주하는 질문들
Su'aalaha Badiya La Weydiiyo
Preguntas Más Frecuentes
Mga Katanungang Madalas Itanong
Các câu hỏi thường gặp
Community Involvement Commission By-Laws
Work Plan
Community Involvement Commission 2018 Work Plan