Utility Discount Program (UDP)

Up to 60% off utility bills
Time to apply
30-40 mins
Processing time
4-6 weeks
UDP online enrollment form
A person sits on a floor surrounded by paper invoices


The City of Seattle can help people who are struggling to pay their electricity and utilities bills. Eligible households can enroll in the City of Seattle’s Utility Discount Program (UDP), which offers a 60% discount on Seattle City Light bills and a 50% discount on Seattle Public Utilities bills.

UDP Application Process

  • Complete the UDP online enrollment form. (Download a Help Guide)
  • Your application will be reviewed and processed. If your application meets the eligibility requirements below, your household will be enrolled in UDP.

If you receive a call, email and/or postcard stating you need to contact our office to renew your application, please call (206) 684-0268 to speak to a representative or email us at UDP@Seattle.gov. Interpretation services are available. You do not need to complete another online application form.

La Ciudad de Seattle puede ayudar a quienes estén luchando por pagar sus facturas de la luz y servicios públicos. Los hogares que cumplan con los requisitos pueden inscribirse al Programa de descuentos en servicios públicos de la Ciudad de Seattle (UDP), que ofrece un descuento del 60% en las facturas de Seattle City Light y un descuento del 50% en las facturas de los Seattle Public Utilities.

Proceso de solicitud del UDP

• Llene el formulario de inscripción en línea en este sitio web.

El formulario está en inglés. Llame para recibir ayuda en otros idiomas y para hablar con un representante.

• Su solicitud será revisada y procesada. Si su solicitud cumple con los requisitos, su hogar será inscrito en el programa.

El correo electrónico o la carta que reciba con la respuesta puede estar en inglés.

Si recibe una llamada, un correo electrónico y/o una tarjeta postal indicándole que debe comunicarse con nuestra oficina para renovar su solicitud, llame al (206) 684-0268 para hablar con un representante. Hay servicios de interpretación disponibles. No necesita llenar otra solicitud en línea.

Thành phố Seattle có thể giúp những người đang gặp khó khăn trong việc trả tiền điện nước. Các hộ gia đình đủ điều kiện có thể ghi danh vào Chương Trình Giảm Giá Tiện Ích của Thành Phố Seattle (City of Seattle’s Utility Discount Program (UDP)), chương trình này giúp giảm 60% cho các hóa đơn của Seattle City Light và giảm 50% cho các hóa đơn của Seattle Public Utilities.

Quy trình đăng ký UDP

• Hoàn thành mẫu đơn đăng ký trực tuyến tại trang web này.

Mẫu đơn đăng ký bằng tiếng Anh. Để được hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ, xin vui lòng gọi để nói chuyện với nhân viên trợ giúp.

• Đơn đăng ký của quý vị sẽ được xem xét và xử lý. Nếu đơn đăng ký của quý vị đáp ứng được các yêu cầu và điều kiện, hộ gia đình của quý vị sẽ được ghi danh.

Email hoặc thư phản hồi có thể bằng tiếng Anh.

Nếu quý vị nhận được một cuộc gọi, email và/hoặc bưu thiếp nói rằng quý vị cần liên hệ với văn phòng của chúng tôi để gia hạn đơn đăng ký của mình, xin vui lòng gọi số (206) 684-0268 để nói chuyện với nhân viên trợ giúp. Dịch vụ thông dịch có sẵn. Quý vị không cần phải hoàn thành một mẫu đơn đăng ký trực tuyến khác.

西雅圖市政府可以幫助那些為支付水電雜費而掙扎的人。符合條件的家庭可以參加西雅圖市政府的公共設施折扣計劃 (UDP),該計劃對西雅圖電力公司(Seattle City Light)的電費帳單提供 60% 的折扣,對西雅圖公共事業局的帳單(Seattle Public Utilities)則提供 50% 的折扣。

UDP 申請流程

• 在此網站填寫網上報名表


• 您的申請將被審核和處理。 如果您的申請符合資格要求,您的家庭將可加入計劃。


如果您收到電話、電子郵件和/或卡片提示您需要聯繫我們的辦公室以更新您的申請,請致電 (206) 684-0268 與客服聯繫。提供口譯服務。您不需要填寫另一份網上申請表。

시애틀 시는 전기 및 공공 요금 지불에 어려움을 겪고 있는 분들을 도와드릴 수 있습니다. 신청 자격이 있는 가구들은 시애틀 시의 공공 요금 할인 프로그램(City of Seattle’s Utility Discount Program, 이하 UDP)에 등록할 수 있으며, 이 프로그램은 시애틀 시 전기(Seattle City Light) 청구서에 대한 60 % 할인과 시애틀 공공요금(Seattle Public Utilities) 청구서에 대한 50 % 할인을 제공합니다.

UDP 신청 절차

•  이 웹 사이트에서 온라인 등록 양식을 작성합니다.

양식은 영문으로 되어 있습니다. 언어 지원을 원하시면 담당자에게 전화하여 문의하세요.

• 귀하의 신청서가 검토되고 처리될 것입니다. 귀하의 신청서가 자격 요건을 충족하는 경우, 귀하의 가구가 등록될 것입니다.

응답 이메일 또는 편지는 영문으로 작성될 수 있습니다.

귀하의 신청서를 갱신하기 위해 당국으로 연락해야 한다는 전화, 이메일 및/또는 엽서를 받는 경우, (206) 684-0268로 전화하여 담당자와 통화하시기 바랍니다. 통역 서비스를 이용하실 수 있습니다. 또 다른 온라인 신청 양식을 작성할 필요는 없습니다.

Magaalada Seattle waxay caawin kartaa dadka la halgamaya in ay iska bixiyaan biilasha korontada, biyaha iyo gaaska. Qoysaska u-qalma ayaa iska qori kara Barnaamijka Sicir-dhimista Adeegyada ee Magaalada Seattle (UDP), oo bixisa qiimo-dhimis 60% ah oo ku saabsan biilasha Seattle City Light iyo qiimo-dhimista 50% ee biilasha Adeegyada Dadweynaha ee Seattle.

Nidaamka codsiga UDP

• Dhameystir foomka isqorista internetka ee boggaan.

Foomku wuxuu ku qoran yahay Ingiriis. Taageerada luqadeed hadada u baahantahay, fadlan wac si aad ula hadashid wakiil.

• Codsigaaga dib ayaa loo eegi doonaa oo looga baaraandegi doonaa. Haddii dalabkaagu buuxiyo shuruudaha u-qalmitaanka, qoyskaaga ayaa la qori doonaa.

E-maylka jawaabta ama warqadda waxay noqon kartaa Ingiriis.

Haddii aad hesho wicitaan, emayl iyo / ama kaarka boosta oo sheegaya inaad u baahan tahay inaad la xiriirto xafiiskayaga si aad u cusboonaysiiso dalabkaaga, fadlan wac (206) 684-0268 si aad ula hadasho wakiil. Adeegyada turjubaanka ayaa la heli karaa. Uma baahnid inaad buuxiso foom kale oo codsi khadka tooska ah ah.

የስያትል ከተማ የኤልክትሪክና የግልጋሎት ክፍያዎችን ለመክፈል የከበዳቸዉን ሰዎች መርዳት ይችላል። ብቁ የሆኑ ነዋሪዎች፡ በስያትል መብራት ሃይልና (Electricity) በስያትል ህዝባዊ ግልጋሎት (Utilities) ክፍያዎች ላይ የ50% ቅናሽ በሚሰጠዉ የስያትል ግልጋሎት ቅናሽ መርሃግብር [ City of Seattle’s Utility Discount Program (UDP)] መመዝገብ ይችላሉ።

የ UDP ማመልከቻ ሂደት

• የ ኦንላይን መመዝገቢያ ቅጽ እዚህ ድህረ-ገጽ ላይ ይሙሉ።

ይህ ቅጽ በእንግሊዘኛ ነዉ። ለቋንቋ ድጋፍ እባክዎን ተወካይ ለማነጋገር ይደዉሉ።

• ማመልከቻዎ ታይቶ ዉሳኔ ይሰጥበታል። ማመልከቻዎ የብቁነት መስፈርቶችን የሚያሟላ ከሆነ ቤተሰብዎ ይመዘገባል።

የመልስ ኢሜል ወይንም ደብዳቤ በእንግሊዘኛ ይሆናል።

ማመልከቻዎን ለማሳደስ ቢሮያችን መገናኘት እንዳለብዎት የሚገልጽ የስልክ ጥሪ፣ ኢሜል እና/ወይም ፖስትካርድ ከተቀበሉ እባክዎን ከተወካይ ጋር ለመነጋገር (206) 684-0268 ይደዉሉ። የትርጉም አገልግሎት አለ። ሌላ የኦንላይን ማመልከቻ መሙላት አያስፈልግዎትም።


To be eligible for the Utility Discount Program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You have a Seattle City Light and/or Seattle Public Utilities bill in your name.
  • Your total household income (defined as the combined income of all household members, related or not, that are 18 years of age or older) does not exceed 70% of the current State Median Income shown in the table below.
  • While still meeting the yearly household income criteria, your total household income in the one-month period prior to applying does not exceed the gross income, as shown in the table above.
  • If you are a SNAP participant, you will only be asked for your City Light account number and your SNAP Approval Letter for Benefits, including both the cover page and calculation page.
  • Customers determined ineligible for the Utility Discount Program must wait thirty (30) days/one month to reapply.
  • For a full description of the policies and procedures associated with the Utility Discount Program, see Seattle Public Utilities' Director's Rule CS-700 or Seattle City Light's Department Policy and Procedure 500 P III-428.
  • NOTE: Gross Income is based on 70% of WA state median income.

How to Apply

Documents Needed to Apply

  • Photo ID
  • One month of online income statements/stubs for all household members over 18

Refer to the Help Guide to learn more about how to apply online.

  • Learn what specific materials need to be provided based on programs you're currently on.
  • Get documentation guidance for uploading materials.

Other ways to apply

We recommend applying via the online UAP System. However, a version of the UAP application form is available for download. Please email or call us for assistance with completing this application or other questions.

Renewing Applications

You do not need to complete another online application form if you were contacted by us to renew your application. Please call (206) 684-0268 to speak to a representative or email us at UDP@Seattle.gov to renew your application. Interpretation services are available.


Due to the large volume of applications received by the Utility Discount Program (UDP), the average time to process an application is four (4) to six (6) weeks. However, if your application includes all of the requested documentation (photo ID, one month of payroll statements/stubs for all household members over 18), the application review may take less time, which will help shorten the overall approval process. 

If you have a Seattle City Light (SCL) bill and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) bill in your name, the discount will be noted as "Utility Discount Program Savings." Please note: If you live in the Seattle Public Utilities service territory and do not have an SPU bill in your name, you may still be eligible for a utility credit. In that case, a credit may be added to your SCL account and listed as "Water Utility Credit," "Sewer Utility Credit" and/or "Dumpster Utility Credit."

The Utility Discount Program is retroactive back to the date the application is received, if all required documents are submitted with the application. We recommend that applicants continue to make payments or seek other options (payment arrangements or other programs that can help with the immediate bills) while their UDP application is being processed.

Please contact Seattle City Light or Seattle Public Utilities directly and make payment arrangements if you are unable to pay the full amount of your bill while you are waiting for your application to be reviewed. You may also be eligible for other assistance such as the Emergency Assistance Program (Seattle Public Utilities), Emergency Low Income Assistance (Seattle CityLight), or Project Share (Seattle City Light). Please note that many programs may have different requirements and eligibility processes from those used by UDP. Submitting an application does not guarantee benefits or an expedited process if your household is subject to disconnection. Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities can both be reached at (206) 684-3000.

Customers who move to another residence or another unit in the same building can stay on the Utility Discount Program. Customers must call Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities to notify them of the move. Once that is done, please call the Utility Discount Program at (206) 684-0268 to request your discount be applied to your new address.

UDP customers will receive a 60% discount on their Seattle City Light bill and a 50% discount on their Seattle Public Utilities bill. The average time customers are on the program (once approved) is two (2) years for non-senior households, and three (3) years for senior-only households. After two (2) years, customers are required to re-certify that they are eligible for the program. Customers who are ready to re-certify will receive a robo-call and re-certification "card" in the mail. Once contacted, customers must call the UDP office within five (5) business days to begin the recertification process by completing a re-certification form with updated household status, including providing supporting documents.


Email: UDP@seattle.gov

Phone: (206) 684-0268

House and Office: 810 3rd Avenue, Suite 440 Seattle, WA 98104

  • Phone calls: 7:30am-3:00pm, Monday–Thursday
    Wait times may vary, but call volume is usually lighter early in the day
  • Walk-in hours: 8:00-10:00am / 12:00 Noon-2:00pm

Downtown Customer Service Center:

Customer Service Counters in Seattle Municipal Tower, City Hall, and Neighborhood Customer Service Centers are open to the public.

Human Services

Tanya Kim, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34215, Seattle, WA, 98124-4215
Phone: (206) 386-1001

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Accommodations for people with disabilities provided upon request.