Accessibility and Requests for Accommodations
The City of Seattle is eager to provide a variety of accommodations and services for access and communications.
Seattle City Hall is ADA compliant. Please review the accessibility information below.
If you have additional questions, please:
- submit our accommodations request form, or
- call the City Council customer support team at 206‑684‑8888; TTY Relay 7‑1‑1
Bordering Streets
Seattle City Hall is bordered by:
- Fifth Avenue to the East,
- Fourth Avenue to the West,
- Cherry Street to the North, and
- James Street to the South
Main Entrances
Main entrances are located on Fourth Avenue and Fifth Avenue.
Both entrances are equipped with automatic doors.
Detailed main entrance descriptions are in the Main Pedestrian Entrances to City Hall section on this page.
Main Lobby
The main lobby is located on Fifth Avenue.
- Floor L1
- Fourth Avenue Entrance
Seattle Channel - Floor L2
- Boards and Commissions Conference room
Anne Focke Gallery - Floor 1
- Fifth Avenue entrance
City Hall Lobby
Customer Service Bureau
Bertha Knight Landes room
City Grind Café - Floor 2
- City Council Offices
Council Chambers - Floor 3
- Office of the City Clerk
Seattle Municipal Archives
Conference Room number 370
Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) - Floor 4
- Department of Neighborhoods
- Floor 5
- Office of Intergovernmental Relations
Office of Planning and Community Development - Floor 6
- City Budget Office
Office of Policy and Innovations (OPI) - Floor 7
- Office of the Mayor
Fourth Avenue Access
Click the image for a larger version
Street View
- Enter the glass doors at the Northwest corner of the building (Fourth Avenue and Cherry Street).
- The doors are directly to the right of Einstein Brothers Bagels, on Fourth Avenue. The doors are bordered with metal barrier poles. A metal grate is embedded in the ground directly in front of the doors. The water feature is south of the entrance. If you reach it, you have gone too far south.
- Proceed forward and slightly to the right towards the two elevators. Take this set of elevators up two floors to floor 1, which is City Hall's main lobby and the Fifth Avenue level.
- Proceed forward to the bank of 4 elevators on your left. These elevators go to floors L1 through 7.
Fifth Avenue Access
Click the image for a larger version
Street View
- From the Southeast corner of the building (James Street and Fifth Avenue), walk North, approximately one third of the way down the block on Fifth Avenue.
- Turn left and enter through the glass doors leading into the main lobby of the building (floor 1). The doors are bordered with metal barrier poles. A metal grate is embedded in the ground directly in front of the doors.
- Proceed diagonally right to the bank of four elevators.
- Take the elevator to floors L1 through 7
When you face the elevators located on floor 1 of City Hall's main lobby, customer service representatives are stationed to the right of the elevator bank and available to answer any questions.
There are five, first-come, first-served, parking spaces for use in the City Hall garage for those with a state-issued disability placard or license plate.
City Hall does not offer public parking. This area is for people with disabilities only.
The entrance is located on James Street.
- Heading West on James Street, turn right into the driveway approximately one quarter of the way down James Street.
The driveway is short and steep.
Click the image for a larger version
Street View - On the driver's side of the car, a call box is available for you to contact security and ask for admittance into the parking garage.
Press the dark gray round button on the bottom right hand corner of the call box.
The gate will open for you to enter the garage after security has provided access. - The door entrance to City Hall is directly to the left of the second gate, which leads to a restricted parking area.
Click the image for a larger version
Click the image for a larger version
Proceed through the door - Proceed to the bank of four elevators directly ahead.
- Take elevators to floors L1 through 7.
Floor 1 is the lobby floor of City Hall.
Elevator banks are located inside on the Fourth and Fifth avenue entrances of City Hall.
Please refer to the Main Pedestrian Entrances to City Hall section on this page for detailed information.
Accessible restrooms are available on each level of City Hall.
For assistance in locating the restrooms, please have security, customer service, or the floor receptionist assist you.
Wheelchair accessible seating is available in Council Chambers in the first two rows.
Automatic doors are available for entry into the Chambers.
The center podium is accessible for those who would like to provide public comment.
Availability of service providers varies, so please provide two to three weeks' notice for regularly scheduled events.
Every effort will be made to accommodate requests for last minute meetings.
American Sign Language interpreter service requests can be made through the City Council customer support team at 206-684-8888; TTY Relay 7-1-1.
Availability of service providers varies, so please provide two to three weeks' notice for regularly scheduled events.
Every effort will be made to accommodate requests for last minute meetings.
Translation and Interpretation service requests can be made through the City Council customer support team at 206-684-8888; TTY Relay 7-1-1.
Non-English language information can also be found on the Languages page.
Commonly requested languages are listed below as examples. Please contact us for more translation and interpretation services.
- Vietnamese
- Các dịch vụ thông dịch có thể hiện có cho ngôn ngữ sau đây: Tiếng Việt
- Spanish
- Se pueden ofrecer servicios de interpretación para el siguiente idioma: Español
- Tagalog
- May mga Serbisyo sa Pagsasalinwika na maaaring magamit para sa mga sumusunod: Tagalog
- Somali
- Adeegyada Turjubaanista ayaa lagu heli karaa: Soomaali
- Korean
- 다음 언어 관련 번역 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다: 한국어
- Simplified Chinese
- 可提供以下语言的口译服务:中文
- Traditional Chinese
- 可提供以下語言的口譯服務:中文
Service animals are permitted inside City Hall. They must remain under control of the owner at all times.
If you intend to bring a service animal to an event, please contact the City Council customer support team at 206-684-8888; TTY Relay 7-1-1, so an appropriate seat can be reserved for you.
Standard ADA guidelines regarding service animals are applicable.
An Induction Loop system is installed in Council Chambers and in the Bertha Knight Landes room. The second and third floor reception counters also have counter induction loops installed. Please activate your telecoil.
Handheld amplified receivers and headsets are also available upon request for those without personal hearing devices or telecoils. Please check-in with Council staff upon arrival.
Assistive listening devices will be available at off-site public Council meetings.
For additional information, please contact the City Council customer support team at 206-684-8888; TTY Relay 7-1-1.
The Seattle Channel has added real-time captioning to their live cable TV broadcasts of City Council and Council committee meetings. Captioned Council meetings will also be archived for playback on the air, on the Seattle Channel website and YouTube channel. For more details, click here to view their official announcement.
Any individual wishing to request services should do so as soon as possible. Every effort will be made to accommodate each request.
Services include:
- FM assistive listening devices
- Printed materials
- American Sign Language
- Translation services
- Other reasonable accommodations
Please direct your requests and questions to the City Council customer support team at 206-684-8888; TTY Relay 7-1-1.
To view Council meetings live and streaming online, please visit Watch Council Live at the Seattle City Council website.
To listen to live broadcasts of meetings via telephone please call our listen line at 253-215-8782, Meeting ID: 586 416 9164, no meeting password.