2018 District 6 – Projects

2019 | 2018 | 2017

District 6 — Project Updates

2018 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Street Elected Projects

STREETS | 15th Ave NW and NW Market St

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

The existing signal at 15th Ave NW and NW Market St does not have an accessible pedestrian signal (APS), which communicates important crossing information to people with low vision or are blind. Installing an APS improves accessibility, safety and predictability for all travelers at this busy intersection. After the project was awarded and upon further investigation, the project was deemed financially infeasible due to the need for upgrading a substantial amount of underground infrastructure.

Project Solutions

  • Install APS at the existing signal

Neighborhood: Ballard

Total Cost: $35,000
YVYC Funds: $35,000

Project Schedule and Updates

This project will not move forward due to unexpected additional costs making the project infeasible.

15th Ave NW Project Map

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STREETS | 8th Ave NW and Leary Ave NW

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

Bike lanes on 8th Ave NW provide a north-south connection to the Burke Gilman Trail (BGT) and requires travelers to first cross the intersection at 8th Ave NW and Leary Way NW to access the trail. Limited sightlines and tight corners in an active freight and industrial district create a challenging crossing. Upgrading the crossing increases safety, accessibility, visibility and predictability for all travelers.

Project Solutions

  • Install a new bike box
  • Provide additional wayfinding

Neighborhood: Ballard

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in October 2019.

8th Ave NW Project Map

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STREETS | N 39th St and Phinney Ave N

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

N 39th St experiences high traffic volumes and vehicle speeds on a weekly basis, serving as a commuting route for many Seattle residents. Phinney Ave N provides a pedestrian connection to the Fremont businesses. The intersection also supports an unmarked crossing with an existing curb bulb on the southwest corner of the intersection.

Upgrading the crossing enhances accessibility, and safety and visibility for all travelers.

Project Solutions

  • Install a new flashing beacon on the west crossing of N 39th St at Phinney Ave N
  • Install new ADA compliant curb ramps

Neighborhood: Fremont

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in August 2019.

N 39th and Phinney Project Map

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STREETS | N 39th St and N 41st St, and Linden Ave N

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

N 39th St and Linden Ave N experiences high pedestrian and traffic volumes on a weekly basis. The intersection of Linden Ave N and N 39th St supports connections to BF Day Elementary school, and the Seattle Fire Department’s (SFD’s) Station #9.

Upgrading the crossing enhances accessibility and safety, visibility and predictability for all travelers.

Project Solutions

  • Install an All-Way STOP Control (AWSC)
  • Upgrade school zone and stop control signage

Neighborhood: Fremont

Total Cost: $7,700
YVYC Funds: $7,700

Project Schedule and Update

Construction was completed in June 2019.

N 39th and 41st Project Map

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STREETS | NW 40th St and NW 41st St, and Leary Way NW

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

Leary Way NW connects travelers to the Burke Gilman Trail (BGT), local neighborhood communities such as Ballard and Fremont, and numerous transit stops. Despite the many destinations Leary Way supports, there is a lack of safe, marked crossing locations along the corridor.

Installing refuge islands improves pedestrian visibility and accessibility, and calms traffic. We’re working closely with the Seattle RapidRide Program to ensure that our project will not impact the potential future 2024 Seattle RapidRide Network: Fremont corridor improvements.

Project Solutions

  • Install refuge islands with tuff curb and posts along Leary Way NW at the intersections of NW 40th St and NW 41st St

Neighborhood: Fremont

Total Cost: $40,000
YVYC Funds: $40,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in April 2022.

N 40th St Project Map

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STREETS | Ashworth Ave N between NW 80th St and NW 85th St

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

Due to high vehicle speeds and traffic volumes, traffic calming is planned on Ashworth Ave N and N Densmore Ave N, between N 80th St and N 82nd St, to increase pedestrian and neighborhood safety.

After further traffic data analysis, the scope was modified to Ashworth Ave N, between N 80th St and N 82nd St, and added Densmore Ave N, between N 80th St and N 82nd St.

Project Solutions

  • Install speed humps along Ashworth Ave N and Densmore Ave N, location to be determined

Neighborhood: Greenlake

Total Cost: $20,000
YVYC Funds: $20,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in August 2020.

Ashworth Ave N Project Map

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PARKS | Salmon Bay Park

Seating Improvements

Project Overview

In this beautiful little neighborhood park, visitors can enjoy tall trees and picnic tables scattered over green grassy hills, while on bright afternoons crows and squirrels can be observed harassing one another, swallows dive to eat flies, and children play at the park's play area. It features a big playground, bathroom facilities, and benches.

Project Solutions

  • Upgrade west end of park by adding more benches

Neighborhood: Loyal Heights

Total Cost: $12,550
YVYC Funds: $12,550

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in October 2019.

Salmon Bay Park Project Map

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Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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