District 5 – Projects

2019 | 2018 | 2017

District 5 — Project Updates

2019 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Streets Elected Projects

* Projects in Equity & Environment Initiative (EEI) Focus Areas

STREETS | Interurban Trail and N 125th St

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

The Interurban North Trail is a regional trail connecting downtown Seattle to Everett and Snohomish County and crosses N 125th St which is a major east-west street in the Bitter Lake/Broadview neighborhoods. It has been observed that people who drive along N 125th St are not stopping for people who are using the trail. In response, we'll install a pair of rectangular rapid flashing beacons at the existing crossing to enhance visibility and safety for people who use the trail.

Project Solutions

  • Install new rectangular rapid flashing beacons
  • Update signage and pavement markings

Neighborhood: Bitter Lake/Broadview

Total Cost: $70,000
YVYC Funds: $70,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in Novemeber 2021.

Interurban Trail Project Map

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STREETS | N 132nd St between 3rd Ave NW and Greenwood Ave N

Street Enhancements

Project Overview

In 2018, the community received a Neighborhood Matching Fund grant that identified cost-effective walkway improvements for N 132nd St, which is a major pedestrian connection for kids and parents accessing Broadview Thomson K-8. Now that the design has been completed, we'll implement the community plans for installing cost-effective walkway improvements to provide a more comfortable place for people who walk.

Project Solutions

  • Install new cost-effective walkway with wheel stops and landscaping

Neighborhood: Broadview

Total Cost: $100,000
YVYC Funds: $100,000

Project Schedule and Updates

We anticipate construction as soon as summer/fall 2022.

N 132nd St Project Map

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STREETS |28th Ave NE between NE 120th St and NE 121st St

Street Enhancements

Project Overview

28th Ave NE is a north-south residential street that connects residents to bus stops and businesses along Lake City Way NE at NE 120th St. However, the street has substandard walkways that are disconnected and often blocked by parked vehicles and ditches. As a result, people are forced to walk in the street. We'll install cost-effective walkway improvements to separate people who walk from people who drive, which will enhance safety.

Project Solutions

  • Install new cost-effective walkway with wheel stops

Neighborhood: Lake City

Total Cost: $109,000
YVYC Funds: $109,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed August 2021.

28th Ave NE Project Map

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STREETS | 30th Ave NE and NE 127th St

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

The 30th Ave NE and NE 127th St intersection provides access to the Lake City business district, community center, and library. Recent redevelopment of the old firehouse site resulted in new curb ramps on the northwest corner of the intersection, and new sidewalk on the north side of NE 127th St west of 30th Ave NE. SDOT's maintenance program also recently repaved the southern half of NE 127th St which addressed the uneven surface and water ponding. We'll install the missing curb ramps on the southwest corner to make this intersection more accessible for the residences and visitors in the area. This project will also complement the planned cost-effective walkway along the south side of NE 127th St between 28th Ave NE and 30th Ave NE, which is funded by the Only in Seattle grant.

Project Solutions

  • Build/upgrade curb ramps
  • Build new sidewalk to connect to the existing southbound bus zone 

Neighborhood: Lake City

Total Cost: $120,000
YVYC Funds: $120,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in March 2022.

30th Ave NE Project Map

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Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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