2017 District 4 – Projects

2019 | 2018 | 2017

District 4 - Project Updates

2017 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Street Elected Projects

STREETS | Gas Works Park Area Upgrades

Crossing and Sight Line Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
Pedestrian crossings on N Northlake Way and N 34th St, leading to playgrounds at Gasworks Park, are exposed to heavy volumes of traffic from people driving. The street also suffers from reduced sight distances due to overgrown landscape, a lack of signs indicating pedestrian crossings, and several blind corners. Installing a new marked crosswalk and updating signs enhances predictability, safety and accessibility for all travelers.

Project Solution(s):

Update crosswalk signs at various locations

Trim and maintain overgrown landscape on the east side of Gasworks Park and N Northlake Way

Install a new marked crosswalk on the west side of N 34th St and Burke Ave N

Construction was completed in March 2018.

Gasworks Park crosswalk, lighting and sight line upgrades map

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STREETS | Green Lake Way N and N 48th St

Crossing Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
High traffic volumes from people driving and pedestrians traveling to Green Lake Park, experience a complex intersection at Green Lake Way N and N 48th St. A new curb bulb and enhanced curb ramps, along with a refuge island effectively shortens crossing distances for pedestrians, and calms traffic.

Project Solution(s):

Install new curb bulb and ramp

Install new refuge island

Enhance existing curb ramps

Construction was completed in October 2019.

Green Lake Way North and North 48th Street crossing upgrades map

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STREETS | Densmore Ave N, Ashworth Ave N and N 40th St

Crossing Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
N 40th St experiences high volumes of traffic from travelers accessing key locations such as the University, Fremont and Wallingford business districts. Several intersections serve as key pedestrian crossings for people accessing Hamilton International Middle School and Wallingford Playfield. Installing new curb bulbs at Densmore Ave N and Ashworth Ave N shortens the crossing distance for pedestrians, enhances safety and effectively calms traffic. Intersection upgrades are also scheduled to happen at N 40th St and Bagley Ave N.

Project Solution(s):

Install new curb bulbs

Install new ADA compliant curb ramps

Construction was completed in June 2020.

Please check the Green Lake and Wallingford Paving & Multi-Modal Improvements project website for the latest updates.

Densmore Ave North, Ashworth Ave North and North 40th Street, crossing upgrades map

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30th Ave NE and NE 55th St

Crossing Upgrade

Project Description and Goals:
NE 55th St experiences a high volume of people driving and lacks marked crosswalks for a 9-block stretch, despite an active retail area between 28th Ave NE and 30th Ave NE. Installing a new marked crosswalk enhances the connection to The University Village and safety for all travelers.

Project Solution(s):

Install a new marked crosswalk at the west crossing of NE 55th and 30th Ave NE

Construction was completed in March 2018.

30th Ave North and Northeast 55th Street crossing upgrade map

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35th Ave NE and NE 80th St

Crossing Upgrade

Project Description and Goals:
The crosswalk at 35th Ave NE and NE 80th St would benefit from more visible signs or lighting to encourage slower driving speeds. Installing crossing beacons alerts drivers to pedestrians crossing and enhances safety and predictability for all travelers.

Project Solution(s):

Install crossing beacons on the north crossing of NE 80th St and 35th Ave NE

Construction was completed in November 2018.

35th Ave Northeast and Northeast 80th Street crossing upgrade map

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 STREETS | “A” Street and NE 70th St

Upgraded Pedestrian Access

Project Description and Goals:
Pedestrian access to Magnuson Park and residential housing within it, via a crossing from NE 70th St and Sand Point Way NE, is very limited. The crossing lacks ADA accessible curb ramps and an ADA compliant walkway between Sand Point Way NE and "A" St. Enhancing the walkway and repairing pavement on "A" St makes it easier for all pedestrians to get to the park.

Project Solution(s):

Enhance the existing walkway

Replace concrete pavement damaged by tree roots

Construction was completed in August 2019 as part of the redevelopment adjacent to the site.

A street and northeast 70th street upgraded pedestrian access map; enhanced walkway location to be determined

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STREETS | 35th Ave NE and NE 55th St

Speed Limit Sign Modifications

Project Description and Goals:
NE 55th St is a well-traveled street connecting people to the University District and surrounding neighborhoods. To make the street more comfortable for people driving and pedestrians we'll install new speed limit signs along NE 55th St and 35th Ave NE and relocate a speed limit sign on 35th Ave NE to caution people driving and enhance safety for all travelers.

Project Solution(s):

Relocate the existing southbound speed limit sign on 35th Ave NE, closer to NE 55th St

Install new speed limits sign on 35th Ave NE

Install new speed limit signs along NE 55th AVE NE

Construction was completed in May 2018.

35th Ave Northeast and Northeast 55th Street speed limit sign modifications map

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STREETS | Magnuson Park Upgrades

Crossing and Signage Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
Magnuson Park contains numerous streets, a high volume of people driving, residential housing, businesses, and playfields. The park has sidewalks and crossings in poor condition that need to be fixed. Installing and modifying existing crosswalks and signs within the Park enhances access, safety, and predictability.

Project Solution(s):

Install crosswalk signs at NE 65th St and Sports Field Drive 

Replace a yield sign with a stop sign at 62nd Ave NE and NE 74th St

Replace a yield sign with a stop sign at NE 74th St and 63rd Ave NE

Construction was completed in April 2018.

Magnuson Park crossing and signage upgrades map

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Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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