Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)

$7,500 average annual savings
Time to apply
5-10 mins
Processing time
2-3 weeks
Age range
12 and under
Join the waitlist
CCAP logo Graphic of people walking with children


The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps families living within Seattle city limits pay for the cost of child care for children 1 month to 12 years of age.

What are the eligibility requirements?
You are eligible to join the waitlist if your family:

  • Lives within Seattle boundaries
  • Has a household and family size that places you below 94% of the State Median Income and has eligible activities.

If you apply and are eligible, you will receive an email confirmation that you have been added to the waitlist.

Why is there a waitlist?
Due to high demand and limited funding, as of August 11, 2023, there is a waitlist for families not already enrolled in the Child Care Assistance Program.

How long will I be on the waitlist?
We don't know, but the Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) will contact families on the waitlist as funding or space becomes available. Sign up for the waitlist while you also try to find alternative options for child care assistance.

How and when will families be notified if they are able to enroll?
DEEL will send you an email first. Next, we will contact you by phone. DEEL may contact you at any time--please check emails and voicemails frequently.

What if I want to be taken off the waitlist?
Contact DEEL at 1 (206) 386-1050 or at to remove yourself from the waitlist.

Should families make alternative plans for child care?
Yes - families are encouraged to pursue alternative options for child care assistance or plan to pay the full cost of child care out of pocket.Please be sure to join the waitlist, and we will be in touch as soon as possible when the CCAP program can contribute to your child care costs. Additional options for child care subsidies may include:

How much can I save with this program?

With this program, you can expect to save an average of $7,500 annually.


CCAP Gross (Before tax/deductions) Monthly and Annual Income Guidelines
Family Size Minimum income* Maximum income
monthly annually monthly annually
2 $4,095 $49,130 $6,414 $76,969
3 $5,058 $60,690 $7,923 $95,080
4 $6,021 $72,250 $9,433 $113,191
5 $6,985 $83,810 $10,942 $131,301
6 $7,948 $95,370 $12,451 $149,412
7 $8,129 $97,537 $13,960 $167,523
8 $8,309 $99,705 $15,470 $185,634
9 $8,490 $101,872 $16,979 $203,745
10 $8,670 $104,040 $18,488 $221,856
*If parent/guardian is a student enrolled in an education program not covered by DCYF/WCCC there is no minimum income requirement for CCAP.

Above are gross monthly incomes within the range of 60.01%-94% SMI (updated April 1, 2024).

Prior to applying, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria.

What are the eligibility requirements?

You are eligible to join the waitlist if your family:

  • Lives within Seattle city limits (residents living in unincorporated King County are not eligible). Use this tool to determine if you live within city limits
  • Has a child 0-12 years old
  • Meets the income guidelines based on family size (see below for more information)
  • Demonstrates ineligibility for other Washington state childcare subsidy programs (see below)
  • Has a demonstrated need for child care based on work schedule, enrollment in a qualified job training or education program, or other circumstances resulting in the need for child care during certain hours of the day. (See Frequently Asked Questions tab for more information.)

Check your eligibility

Start Here

Passing the CCAP eligibility screening does not guarantee that a family is eligible to receive a CCAP subsidy.

If you pass the eligibility screening, you will be placed on a waitlist. When space becomes available, a representative from the CCAP Intake Team will contact you by email to complete an application and submit additional verification documents.

If ineligible, you will also be notified by the CCAP Intake Team. Depending on the reasons for ineligibility, families can find additional child care resources through the additional resources listed at the bottom of this page.

Income Eligibility Details

CCAP is designed for families who are:

  • below 94% State Median Income (SMI). This refers to your gross (pre-tax) monthly income,
  • who are not eligible for Washington state's Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) assistance program. WCCC is available to those who earn below 60.01% SMI.


How to Apply

CCAP is open to all eligible children, regardless of their citizenship status, race, gender, ethnicity or developmental need. Seattle is a Welcoming City that values inclusion and equity. City employees do not ask about citizenship status and serve all residents regardless of immigration status. Immigrants and refugees are welcome here.

What is the first step in the process?

The first step is to fill out and submit the online eligibility form to DEEL. Next, wait for DEEL staff to contact you to begin the application process. At this time, there is a waitlist and you will be contacted when space becomes available. In the application process you will:

  • complete the online application, and
  • upload the required documentation.

What will happen if I am contacted from the waitlist?

In this case, you have already filled out the online eligibility form. DEEL staff will contact you to start the application process as quickly as possible. You will be asked to:

  • complete the online application, and
  • upload the required documentation.

What do I need to provide?

Once you are notified that space is available in the program, you will need to:

  • Provide proof of your child's age
  • Provide proof of address(Families experiencing housing instability in the city of Seattle are invited to apply for CCAP.)
  • Provide proof of your family's gross (pre-tax) income
  • Identify a CCAP provider who works with your schedule and has availability for your child(ren)
  • Tell them the hours of care that you need

View information about what documents may be used to provide proof of child's age, address, and family income.

CCAP Providers

The City of Seattle's Department of Education and Early Learning contracts with over 200 high-quality and affordable childcare providers. To utilize a CCAP voucher, a family must work with a provider that has a compliant vendor services agreement as part of the CCAP program. Click on the link below to access a current list of providers compiled and vetted by the City of Seattle's Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL):

CCAP Providers (Excel) - sortable by category

CCAP Providers (PDF) - organized by zip code

DEEL is not a regulatory body and does not license or endorse any provider on this list or guarantee the quality of child care services provided. Parents are strongly encouraged to carefully interview and check references of any provider before leaving a child in care. Please visit the statewide Child Care Check registry to get more detailed information about state licensed child care providers in Seattle and Washington State.

Child Care Assistance Program Provider Support

Do you have questions about becoming a CCAP Provider? Need additional assistance? Find it on our provider support page.

CCAP Subsidy Amounts

The Child Care Assistance Program helps families pay for the cost of child care. A family's CCAP subsidy amount is calculated based on family size, income, hours of care needed, and age of the child. A family applying to CCAP receives one voucher for each individual child in care. The CCAP voucher authorizes monthly child care payments to an approved child care program and can be used for full-time or part-time care. Standard vouchers are authorized for 24 months; vouchers for student parents/guardians will be authorized for 12 months at a time.

CCAP-eligible families are responsible for paying the difference between the CCAP subsidy amount listed on the voucher and the provider's regular monthly rate. Families pay this difference in tuition directly to the child care provider.

CCAP cannot cover registration fees, wait list deposits, or any additional fees. Fees and their due dates are to be established by an agreement between families and their child care provider. The CCAP Intake Team is unable to tell families exactly what a provider's additional fees will be.


I live with a roommate and all our utility bills are in their name. Can I use other documents as proof of address?
Yes! In circumstances where you are unable to provide the acceptable address verification document, request the Housing Affidavit Form from the CCAP Intake Team. This form allows you to describe your living situation and offer alternative documentation for your address verification.

I am applying for CCAP in September. If I am eligible, can I backdate my subsidy to help cover childcare expenses from June?
Unfortunately, no. Due to our billing system, the CCAP Intake Team is unable to backdate for care outside of the current month. However, if your child is currently attending one of the CCAP-licensed providers, you can work with the CCAP Intake Team to determine options for back-payment during the month your application was completely submitted and verified eligible. Note: because CCAP cannot guarantee that you will be eligible for the program until the process is complete, it's not recommended you start child care without a finalized voucher.

What if I don't have a provider set up when I apply to CCAP?
The CCAP Intake Team is unable to issue a voucher if you have not selected and tentatively secured a provider from the pre-approved CCAP child care list. If you submit a completed application without an approved provider, the CCAP Intake Team will put a hold on your application packet until you are able to select an approved provider that works with your schedule and has availability for your child(ren). To be finalized, all vouchers must be signed by the parent and the CCAP-approved child care provider. If you choose a provider that is not already on the approved list, the provider must go through the contracting process with the City, which may take anywhere from three months to one year for approval.

One of my children recently turned 18 and is out of high school, but they live at home. Are they included in my family size?
No. Once a child is over the age of 18 and is no longer enrolled in high school, they are not considered in calculating your family size.

Are vocational or ESL programs eligible for CCAP?
Parents/guardians may be enrolled in certified ELL/ESL programs that will help them be better prepared for the workforce. These programs are typically time-bound and have a specific class schedule. Parents/guardians enrolled in trade or vocational schools are also eligible for CCAP during their class and travel time.

I am enrolled in a 4-year degree program. Can I use a CCAP voucher to help with childcare while I am in class?
Yes! Parents/guardians seeking an AA or their first BA degree (at least three credits per quarter) are eligible to receive a subsidy to cover child care during their classes. Furthermore, students who are enrolled in at least three credits per quarter do not have to meet the City's minimum income guidelines to receive assistance. Student parents/guardians who are ineligible for the state's Working Connections Child Care Program may receive a CCAP subsidy.

I'm enrolled in a Masters or PhD program. Am I eligible for CCAP?
Yes, Parents/guardians seeking their first advanced degree are eligible for CCAP (e.g., Masters, PhD, MD, JD). Students must be enrolled in at least three credits and must be below the maximum income requirements.

Do I have to be working or in school to be eligible for CCAP?
CCAP is available for parents/guardians who are not employed and not enrolled in an approved education program who have a demonstrated need for child care during certain hours. This includes parents who need child care for attending doctors' visits and physical/occupational therapy, who are looking for work/doing interviews, or who are on family medical leave. If you aren't sure if your specific situation meets eligibility criteria, please begin the eligibility screening and application process here. A member of the CCAP team will follow up with you after assessing your individual situation.

I only work part time, could I still be eligible for CCAP?
Yes! During the enrollment process, the CCAP Intake Team will ask for documentation of your work schedule to determine what hours of care you need/qualify for. CCAP vouchers can be generated for a wide range of circumstances, which are addressed on an individual basis.

I work the graveyard shift; can I receive a CCAP subsidy to cover care for my child while I sleep during the day?
Yes! Our CCAP Intake Team will consider your individual schedule and generate a voucher to align with the necessary hours of care.

I own my own business. How do I provide proof of income and work schedule?
To confirm income from self-employment, request a Declaration of Self Employment Income form from the CCAP Intake Team. The hours of care are determined based on the parent's report of hours of care needed for the self-employment business.

I am already working with a provider and want to stay with them, but they are not on your CCAP Provider List. Can I still use CCAP to subsidize my child care expenses?
CCAP can only help pay for child care providers who contract with the City of Seattle. If your provider is interested in establishing a contract with the city, please have them contact the Department of Education and Early Learning at (206) 386-1050. The CCAP provider approval and contracting process can take anywhere from three months to one year depending on the provider's completeness of documentation.

I'm eligible for Working Connections Child Care, but CCAP seems easier to apply for and my provider prefers it. Can I just use CCAP instead of WCCC?
We strive to decrease barriers for families and providers. However, one of the eligibility requirements for CCAP is that you not be eligible for another subsidy program.

If I want to switch to a different provider with higher rates, can I receive a higher CCAP subsidy?
No. Your CCAP subsidy amount is determined by your gross monthly income, your family size, and your child's age. Unless one of those factors change, your CCAP subsidy amount does not change. This dollar amount can "go further" at providers who have lower rates but will not cover as much of the expense at a higher rate provider.

I want my child to attend one provider before school and another provider after school. Is that possible with CCAP?
If both providers are within the CCAP network, yes! The CCAP Intake Team will work with you during the enrollment process to arrange your voucher schedule between the providers.

I don't live in Seattle. Is there any child care subsidy that I can apply?
Please check out these websites or call Working Connection Child Care or (844) 626-8687, Child Care Resources or (800) 446-1114, or Best Starts for Kids or (206) 208-6865.


Phone, Childcare and Preschool: (206) 386-1050

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Gargaarsi afaanii ni jira.
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Education and Early Learning

Dwane Chappelle, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 1700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94665, Seattle, WA, 98124-6965
Phone: (206) 233-5118
Phone Alt: Childcare and Preschool: (206) 386-1050
Fax: (206) 386-1900

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