2023 Tree Options

Evaluate your planting site and this year's tree options. Select the tree best suited for your space.

  • Yard space? Choose the largest tree appropriate for the site to maximize the benefits to your yard and neighborhood.
  • Planting along the street? Review the minimum planting strip width requirements before selecting your tree.
  • Under power lines? Select one of the power line approved trees that reaches a maximum height of 25 feet.

The power line approved trees are the most popular species we offer. Please apply for power line approved trees only if you are planting under high voltage power lines.

Download the 2023 tree guide to help you decide which tree is best for your space or to share with your friends and neighbors. You can also click on the name of each tree below for a page with more detailed information and links. 

Yard Trees (in limited situations for streets) Height / Spread

Street Tree Planting Strip Width


Aptos Blue Coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens 'Aptos Blue')

70' / 25'
Not allowed between the sidewalk and curb. OK for unimproved rights of way

A fast growing cultivar but ultimately smaller than the species. The blue-green new growth contrasts nicely with the older green needles. Older specimens develop a furrowed red-brown spongy bark that is a delight to touch. This iconic tree does well in Seattle, just give it room to grow.

5 gallon container tree

Jubilee Alaska yellow cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis 'Jubilee')

60' / 15'
12+ feet

This cultivar of a native conifer has a narrow profile with a graceful weeping habit that never ceases to delight. In time, it will develop a unique character of its own. The airy blue-green needles are softer than they appear.  

5 gallon container tree

Shore pine (Pinus contorta var. contorta)

50' / 30'
12 + feet

A uniquely shaped native conifer that makes an excellent yard tree.  A highly adaptable tree that thrives in poor soils, rocky sites, and even boggy conditions. It’s twisting, “contorted”, trunk, branches and needles provide year-round interest.

5 gallon container tree

Mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana)

35' / 15'
12 + feet

This northwest native conifer has no serious disease or insect problems. Its blue-green needles are spirally arranged around the shoots. Its slender/small habit and layered side branches make it a great choice for smaller or rock gardens..

5 gallon container tree

Street Trees (for yards too!)

Height / Spread Street Tree Planting Strip    Width                  Description

Chinese pistache (Pistacia chinensis

35' / 25'
6 + feet

This is an excellent urban tree, adapting to a wide variety of conditions. It has dark green foliage turning to a striking red, orange, and yellow in fall. The peeling bark at maturity adds to the year-round appeal of this tree. While this tree can start out quite misshapen, it matures into a magnificent tree.

7 gallon container tree

Heritage river birch (Betula nigra 'Cully')

50' / 30'
6+ feet

This selection of river birch is resistant to the bronze birch borer, thus being a great replacement for birches being killed by this insect. It has a pyramidal, upright habit. Glossy, light green leaves turn yellow in the fall. The peeling bark is a mélange of cream, orange, and salmon colors.

7 gallon container tree

Decaf Kentucky coffee tree (Gymnocladus dioica 'McKBranched')

50' / 40'
8 + feet

A fast growing oval-shaped tree with arching upright branches. The doubly compound leaves give the tree a lacey, tropical look in the summer which is in stark contrast to the rugged look this tree presents in the winter. This cultivar is seedless and has a finer texture with better branching habit than the species.

7 gallon container tree

European beech (Fagus sylvatica)

60' / 40'
8 + feet

This stately tree is upright when young and becomes rounded with age.  It has rich, glossy green leaves with wavy margins that turn golden brown in the fall. The smooth bark looks like an elephant hide and is maintained into maturity.

7 gallon container tree

Urban Pinnacle bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa 'JFS-KW3')

55' / 25'
8 + feet

An upright cultivar of the bur oak has a strong central leader. Its glossy green leaves turn yellow in fall and are resistant to leaf diseases. The acorns are smaller than typical bur oak acorns. Once established, this tough tree is heat and drought resistant.   

7 gallon container tree

Power Line Approved Trees Height / Spread Street Tree Planting Strip Width Description

Chinese fringe tree
(Chionanthus retusus )

25' / 20'
5+ feet

Known for its beautiful fringed white spring blooms, the tree's handsome bark also provides winter interest. The leathery green leaves turn yellow in the fall. Quite uncommon in Seattle, it will make a lovely street tree under power lines or yard tree in a small space.

7 gallon container tree

Moonglow magnolia
(Magnolia virginiana 'Jim Wilson')
30' / 25'
5+ feet

This upright, evergreen magnolia has bright green leaves with silver undersides that catch your attention. It produces creamy-white blooms in the summer that carry a lemony fragrance.   

7 gallon container tree

Eastern redbud
(Cercis canadensis)

25' / 25'
5+ feet

A harbinger of spring, this tree is known for its profusion of deep pink flowers on bare twigs in early spring.  Its spreading crown provides a graceful silhouette in winter and substantial beauty in the summer.

7 gallon container trees

Persian Spire parrotia
(Parrotia persica ‘JL Columnar’)

25' / 10'
5+ feet

A strongly upright form of the species that has finer texture yet is quite durable. From its exfoliating gray and tan bark to its remarkable kaleidoscope of leaf color, this tree provides beauty all year long.

7 gallon container trees

Contact us at treesforneighborhoods@seattle.gov or (206) 684-3979 with questions.