Racial Equity Fund

The Racial Equity Fund is no longer active. To see other City of Seattle opportunities, visit the Grants and Funding page.

2015 Grantees

Daybreak Star Summer Day Camp
This project is the result of a partnership between Red Eagle Soaring Native Youth Theatre (RES), Dr. Megan Bang (Ojibwe) of the University of Washington's College of Education, Seattle Public Schools' Huchoosedah Indian Education Program, the Na'ah Illahee Fund, the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute, the United Indians of All Tribes Foundation, and the Associated Recreation Council. This summer partnering organizations will work together to develop a seven-week, summer day camp experience for urban Native American youth, incorporating a culturally-appropriate curriculum focused on traditional approaches to the environment, food and arts and culture.

Partners for Black Parent Empowerment
Partners for BPE is a collaborative relationship among several community groups in the Black and African communities in Seattle, including: The Village of Hope, Africatown, Blackout WA, BlackStarline, Black Prisoners Caucus, Umoja Peace Center, and The UjimaNia Project. Together and through events throughout the year, Partners for Black Parent Empowerment fundamentally and intentionally address strengthening relationships, empowering the family system, operating from strength based positions, developing cultural stewards, and addressing structural and institutional racism in all areas of human activity.

Non-Profit Assistance Center
The Nonprofit Assistance Center (NAC) was established in 1999 to empower small and midsize nonprofits serving in communities of color, refugee, immigrant, low income and other communities that have traditionally and currently lack access or face oppression. This year the NAC will be using the funds received through the Racial Equity Fund to implement two initiatives: 1) expanding the Racial Equity Technical Assistance Project and, 2) launching the Leadership Circles project for leaders of color. The Racial Equity Technical Assistance Project addresses structural racism by utilizing a cohort-based model of capacity-building that combine peer learning and individual TA to strengthen organizations' racial equity analysis and ability to sustainably serve communities of color. The Leadership Circles will build on the project by creating a safe and facilitated space for women of color Executive Directors and fundraisers of color to convene monthly to troubleshoot challenges, share resources, source innovative solutions, and build a foundation for collaboration.

YWCA, Girls First Youth InterGroup Dialogue Project
Description coming soon.

Washington Dream Act Coalition
The Washington Dream Act Coalition (WDAC) is a non-profit collective of young immigrants and allies. Their mission is to organize and advocate for equitable and dignified treatment of all Washington State immigrants by dismantling the obstacles upholding their oppression. WDAC is of young immigrant people, by young immigrant people, for all people. WDAC will be holding a series of forums to inform/engage undocumented families around the recent immigration discretionary actions, bettered known as Deferred Action. The goal is to both help individuals navigate this process, as well as engage the undocumented community civically so they can advocate for their own rights.

Multi Media Resources and Technology Institute Over the years, working with the public, we have championed social justice causes for newly arrived immigrants and refugees. Using a variety of multimedia tools and media communications, as well as working in partnership with community leaders, and institutions, MMRTI will organize a series of forums focused on the immigrant experience in Seattle as it relates to issues of criminal justice, access to public housing and economic opportunities. These forums will aim to: develop a collective analysis around how institutional and structural racism manifest through these issues, and continue an open dialogue with public officials around these issues.
