Outdoor Exercise Equipment Sites

Updated: November 18, 2021

Outdoor exercise equipment can be found at these parks:

Atlantic Street Park
Bitter Lake Reservoir Open Space
Brighton Playfield
Christie Park
Delridge Community Center
Georgetown Playfield
Hiawatha Community Center
Hing Hay Park
Hubbard Homestead
John C. Little, Sr. Park
Montlake Community Center
Powell Barnett Park
Pratt Park
Rainier Beach Playfield Play Area
Sam Smith Park
University Playground
Van Asselt Community Center

Download the Fitness Areas Brochure

Example Fitness Zone

The first round of outdoor exercise equipment sites, Fitness Zones®, were completed in 2016. In coordination with new funding partner, Kaiser Permanente, Seattle Parks and Recreation is excited to proceed with a second round of four additional outdoor exercise equipment locations. The installations are incorporated into the following capital improvement projects with construction scheduled to be completed between 2018 and 2022.

Outdoor Fitness Equipment Program Pilot - Spring 2019

The three-month pilot program focused on teaching different fitness methods and pushing the participants' comfort zones to incorporate a high intensity interval training regimen using the outdoor fitness equipment. The pilot was promoted throughout the three communities around Powell Barnett, Georgetown and Van Asselt Parks to encourage residents to participate in the weekend classes. The fitness classes consisted of stretches, sprints, use of the outdoor equipment to conduct upper and lower body movements designed to spike heart rate from start to finish, and provide a full-body workout. 

Photo 1 of outdoor fitness equipment being used
Photo 2 of outdoor fitness equipment being used
A group photo of Pilot Program Fitness Exercise Equipment users.

The three photos above were taken during the pilot program and focused on free fitness classes with intent to increase the use and activation of the Outdoor Fitness Equipment located in all three communities.

Seattle Parks and Recreation, The Trust for Public Land, The Seattle Parks Foundation, and MOMentum teamed up to bring free outdoor gyms called Fitness Zone areas to parks in Seattle. Each one is equipped with top quality, durable exercise equipment appropriate for teens and adults of all levels of fitness. Download the public meeting minutes to learn about past public involvement in this project. Download our Fitness Zone examples to learn more about what Fitness Zones are.

Powell Barnett Park: April 2016 Photos of Opening Event
Hiawatha Community Center: July 2016
Delridge Community Center: August 2016
Van Asselt Community Center: August 2016

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
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