Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center ADA Improvements

Updated: June 22, 2023

Summer 2023

WS Contractor mobilized in early November 2022 beginning the Accessibility and ADA Improvements project for the Discovery Park Environmental Learning & Visitor Center and its surrounding area. Site fencing is still in place, and the parking lot and pathway are closed until the end of June. Orange fences/caution tapes will be kept in place in the grass area until they are fully established, kindly avoid walking on the new grass. The final items of interior work will be completed by the end of June. Exterior work is 95% completed except for rain garden planting, handrails and striping the parking lot.

Staff are in the building and gearing up for July’s summer camp program. The building will still be reserved for program use only until notice of the full public reopening date at the visitor center. Full public reopening of the visitor center is still TBD and will depend on the readiness of the staff as they just relocated back to Discovery.

Anticipated Closure Fall Through Spring 2023

Discovery Park Environmental Learning & Visitor Center Accessibility and ADA Improvements project construction map. Image is also link to a larger version.

Please see Anticipated Site Impacts below.


Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center, 3801 Discovery Park Blvd, 98199


Construction Budget: $970,000


Design: January 2020 - June 2022
Bidding: July - September 2022
Construction: October 2022 - June 2023

Project Description

This project corrects approximately 160 documented barriers to accessibility on the Seattle Barrier Removal Schedule. The project includes:

  • Accessible parking stalls and accessible bus load and unload zone
  • Accessible pathways from parking area to the visitor center, ELC, amphitheater, tennis courts, playground, entry kiosk, and trail system
  • A new infiltrating bio-retention pond
  • Miscellaneous interior improvements to remove ADA barriers at toilet rooms, kitchen, classrooms, etc.

All work will occur within the existing developed trail footprint. No trees and/or native vegetation will be disturbed; lawn and planting areas that are disturbed during construction will be restored once construction is completed.

Anticipated Site Impacts

The facility at the Environmental Learning & Visitor Center will be fully closed during the construction period. The Visitor Center east parking lot will also be closed for construction access and staging area. The lower small parking area will remain open for visitors’ use. If parked at this area, visitors are advised to use the sidewalk on Discovery Park Blvd to access the trails as many trail connections around the facility will be blocked off due to extent of the construction zone. Due to the limited amount of parking available near the Visitor Center, we strongly advise all visitors to use parking at the north or south entrance parking lots, where restrooms are also available at those locations.

The Tennis court, basketball court, and play area will remain open during construction. The paved intersection near the play area will be temporarily closed during paving replacement and drainage work. Detail schedule will be posted during construction. Visitors will be advised to use a detour route to access the play area.

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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