A Message from Mayor Harrell

Mayor Bruce Harrell

Seattle is a global destination and leader in industry, innovation, and creativity. As your Mayor, I am committed to uniting our diverse communities around shared priorities and meaningful progress on our biggest challenges. Through our focus on a back-to-basics approach like restoring public safety, helping people move indoors, keeping parks open and welcoming, and fixing potholes, we can build a strong foundation and bright future for our city and our families.

We recognize change does not come quickly or easily. But improvement is possible if we act boldly, intentionally – and together. We can change the course of our city if we are willing to work collaboratively, to turn common ground into common cause, to think – and act – big.

That’s my vision for One Seattle, to turn our city’s pioneering spirit into progress, I hope you’ll join me in creating the Seattle we all want to see.

 - Mayor Bruce Harrell

Mayor Bruce Harrell


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Street Address:
600 4th Ave, Seattle, WA
7th Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 94749
Seattle, WA 98124-4749

The City of Seattle is working together with our regional partners to plan and prepare for potential heat waves this summer, including monitoring critical infrastructure and air quality, and providing resources to help keep residents cool. In [...]


Seattle to become one of the first cruise ports in the nation to offer shore power at every berth, significantly reducing port-related air emissions in the Northwest.  Seattle—Mayor Harrell has advanced legislation authorizing Seattle City Light [...]


New Partnerships and Seven Day a Week Citywide Expansion Proposal Follows Success of Dual Dispatch Pilot Seattle – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced his proposal to expand the Community Assisted Response and Engagement (CARE) department [...]

Mayor Bruce Harrell

Address: 600 4th Ave, Seattle, WA, 7th Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94749, Seattle, WA, 98124-4749
Phone: (206) 684-4000

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Seattle's Mayor is the head of the Executive department. The Mayor directs and controls all City offices and departments except where that authority is granted to another office by the City Charter.