Healthy Streets

Updated June 4, 2024

What's Happening Now?

Thank you for stopping by!

Bike Everywhere Month is over, and we wanted to thank everyone who stopped by our celebration stations around the city—including one on the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street and one on the Central District Healthy Streets—to pick up Healthy Streets swag and information about this project.

We hope you will continue exploring Seattle’s extensive bike network. Healthy Streets, along with Neighborhood Greenways and bike lanes, are an essential component of that network.

Bicycle riders stop by a station for snacks and to learn more about the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street

Bicycle riders stop by a station to learn more information about the Central District Healthy Street

Did you see our signs on Alki Point Healthy Street?

We have added more features in response to community feedback, and we are excited to announce that installation of the permanent features on Alki Point Healthy Street in West Seattle will resume this weekend, Saturday, June 1!

Over two years of outreach and engagement have resulted in a final design that includes many elements requested by the community—including an additional walking, rolling, and biking area along the beachfront that is separated from cars and ensuring ADA access parking.

Please visit the Alki Point Healthy Street webpage to learn about these improvements and view street cross-sections and graphics. Or check out our recent SDOT Blog post about how this project has developed over the years.

A big thank you for adopting a planter in Georgetown and South Park!

We are excited to announce that the permanent Georgetown and South Park Healthy Streets will be installed as soon as summer 2024!

A big thank you to all the neighbors who requested planters for signs in the intersections near their homes. We have been reaching out to confirm locations and complete signed maintenance agreements.

In case you missed it, SDOT can install planters at Healthy Street intersections when neighbors agree to be responsible for maintaining the planter after installation. For more information about adopting planters and planter maintenance, visit the Healthy Street Planters webpage.

Sign up for email updates to be notified when the planter sign-up forms for each location become available! If you are interested in adopting a planter, but have not seen your Healthy Street announced yet, we’ll be wrapping up our evaluation processes by the end of the year. If additional Healthy Street segments become permanent, we’ll open planter adoption forms for them in 2025.

High Point and Lake City Healthy Streets: Installation this Spring

As soon as May 1st we will start construction of the permanent High Point Healthy Street!

We also anticipate starting construction on part of the Lake City Healthy Streets this spring, which includes adding all-way stops to the two intersections at 37th Ave NE and NE 135th St, and will continue to share updates on Cedar Park construction timelines through our email updates.  

In both locations, we will install permanent signage with a concrete block base and newly painted curb space around it at each intersection along the Healthy Street. At intersections where neighbors requested planters, we will install the permanent signage with a planter sign base. Unauthorized on-street parking located within 20 feet of the intersection will be removed for the permanent sign installation.

Safety Enhancements Coming to Aurora-Licton Springs

We’ve designed additional safety enhancements for the intersection of Fremont Ave N and N 105th St. The enhancements will improve safety for people walking and biking along the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street, improve access to the Interurban Trail, and discourage high-speed cut-through traffic on Fremont Ave N. For more information about the Healthy Street design, please visit the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street webpage.

Safety Enhancements Coming to North End of Central District Healthy Street

To further improve safety for people walking and biking along the north end of the Central District Healthy Street and discourage cut-through traffic, we’ve designed additional safety enhancements for the intersection of 22nd Ave and E Union St. These enhancements will include installing a new median on the south side with a cut-through for people biking, restricting vehicle turns from E Union St onto 22nd Ave, and restricting vehicle access southbound onto 22nd Ave from the intersection. For more information about the Healthy Street design, please visit the Central District Healthy Streets webpage.

Installation Timeline for Aurora-Licton Springs and Central District

We will install two Healthy Street locations, Aurora-Licton Springs and Central District, over 2024 and 2025. For Aurora-Licton Springs, the installation timeline will be:

  • Summer 2024: The segments on Fremont Ave N and N 100th St west of Aurora Ave will be installed
  • 2025: The remaining segments will be installed.

For Central District, the installation timeline will be:

  • Summer 2024: 22nd Ave from E Union St to E Columbia St
  • 2025: E Columbia St from 12th Ave to 22nd Ave will be installed.

Please visit the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street webpage and Central District Healthy Streets webpage to learn more and see maps illustrating when each segment will be installed!

What are Healthy Streets?

Healthy Streets are closed to pass through traffic, but open to people walking, rolling, biking, and playing. The goal of this program is to open up more public space for people to use—improving community and individual health. 

Since 2022, we have been evaluating and updating Healthy Streets across Seattle based on the trends we’ve seen in terms of community use and public feedback. Healthy Streets are a commitment to the Mayor's Transportation & Climate Justice Executive Order and SDOT's work to prioritize and expand actions that equitably reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) within the transportation sector.

Citywide Map of Healthy Street Locations

Alki Point - 12 on map

Aurora-Licton Springs - 4 on map

Ballard - 5 on map

Beacon Hill - 9 on map

Bell Street - 8 on map

Central District - 7 on map

Columbia City - 10b on map

Delridge - 14a on map

Greenwood - 3 on map

Georgetown - 11 on map

Highland Park - 14b on map

High Point - 13 on map

Hillman City - 10c on map

Lake City - Olympic Hills - 1a on map

Lake City - Cedar Park - 1b on map

Little Brook - 2 on map

Mt Baker - 10a on map

Othello - 16a on map

Rainier Beach - 16b on map

South Park - 15 on map

Wallingford - 6 on map

How do Healthy Streets work? 

  • Healthy Streets can incorporate safety features like easier crossings at busy streets, speed humps to slow down drivers, and sign and pavement markings to help people find their way
  • Healthy Streets have fixtures like concrete block bases and new painted curb bulbs at each intersection of permanent healthy streets
  • In some cases, SDOT may install traffic calming, street murals, and additional pedestrian design elements
  • Street Closed signage is installed in the space directly adjacent to the intersection where parking is already not authorized, so no legal street parking spaces are removed

What this means for Healthy Street Neighborhoods: 

  • People driving who need to get to homes and destinations along Healthy Streets can still drive on these streets
  • Drivers should use extra caution and yield to people
  • People enjoying the street should be mindful of drivers trying to get to homes and destinations
  • Healthy streets can be used for neighborhood activities (like hopscotch and basketball) that you would otherwise need to get a street closure permit for 
  • Healthy Streets can also be used to host Play Streets and block Parties without needing a permits
  • Planters for Healthy Streets can be requested, and neighbors are responsible for maintaining them. 

How Healthy Streets Started

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 we upgraded 25 miles of existing Neighborhood Greenways to ‘Stay Healthy Streets’, by closing them to pass through traffic.  Later, this program was renamed to simply ‘Healthy Streets’.

We selected streets by working from the 45-mile Neighborhood Greenway network and avoiding impacts to businesses, fire response routes, transit operations and layover, and COVID19 response efforts like healthcare provider parking.

What's Next for Healthy Streets

We’ve heard from the people of Seattle that Healthy Streets are a valued part of many neighborhoods and there is a strong desire to add more locations. In 2022 Mayor Harrell signed the Executive Order on Climate Change and confirmed Seattle’s commitment to make 20 miles of Healthy Streets permanent.

As a first step towards that goal, we’re focused on evaluating and upgrading locations that were installed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. People across Seattle are also sharing their vision for how Healthy Streets can be a part of the People Streets and Public Spaces component of the Seattle Transportation Plan. You can learn more and engage in sharing your thoughts on the Seattle Transportation Plan page. 

The Healthy Streets program currently focuses on Neighborhood Greenways, and we do not have an open application process. If future funding is identified to make this an ongoing program, we will develop a process to identify and prioritize future locations.

Community Feedback 

When Healthy Streets started, we chose which neighborhoods to focus on using the Race and Social Equity Index. We also considered neighborhoods that already had greenways in areas with dense housing or not much public open space. This way, more people could have places to go outside and enjoy nature without having to go far from their homes. We also made sure to include neighborhoods that had access to important services and businesses that people need in their daily lives. This way, everyone in those neighborhoods could have better opportunities to live healthy and active lives.

Since the program began, we’ve regularly talked to communities and distributed surveys to understand how Healthy Streets are working, where they can be improved and expanded, and where it might make sense to go back to a Neighborhood Greenway. We also observed and reviewed each Healthy Street to help inform our decision-making.  For more information about how community feedback was used, please review our Healthy Street Evaluations in the materials section below.

Someone takes a photo over the handlebars of their bike, capturing two riders ahead of them on an Healthy Street
Our family loves the 25th Ave Healthy Street. I've been surprised by how much it's impacted our neighborhood's quality of life. What has been a wonderful, unexpected aspect is seeing how the whole neighborhood uses the space. — M. Mainland, Central District

Additional Languages

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Program Library

Throughout our feedback sessions, we’ve heard concerns from BIPOC communities around how enforcement will be handled, how established cultural practices will be maintained, and reports of racism directed toward BIPOC people traveling the routes. In addition to this direct feedback, the material/sources supported below, helped the project team with the background and principles of implementing Healthy Streets:


Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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